Recent content by jstjohnz

  1. J

    Chip set in Light O Rama CCP and CCB

    This is just speculation because I don't have any to test, but since they use the 6803 in the CCRs, I think there's a good chance they use the same chip in the other cc products.
  2. J

    Null pixels

    By doing it in the controller, as you have noted, it doesn't affect your addressing of the 'real' pixels. It makes it easy to add or remove null pixels without having to change anything in your sequencing software.
  3. J

    TLS3001 pixels & stip

    The problem is that at the low end you can't improve the dimming response without some means to expand the pixel's intensity range beyond 8 bits. A DMX value of 1 coming in will still be a DMX value of 1 going out to the pixel, and the result will be a jump from off to 1/256th total brightness...
  4. J

    TLS3001 pixels & stip

    I'm not sure what the limitation may be re the CCR controller, but the 6803s, like most 4-wire pixels, are capable of a very fast refresh rate, more than fast enough to work with a very long string. But yes, the feasibility of this approach ultimately depends on the available refresh rate which...
  5. J

    TLS3001 pixels & stip

    It is possible to achieve a similar result with 8-bit pixels. The approach is similar to what LOR does to get 128 dimming levels using 5-bit 6803s. By slightly varying the pixel intensity on every refresh pass, you can effectively extend the number of intensity bits. For example, to use the...
  6. J

    Experiences with SanDevices E682 controller

    Yes, up to 12 universes if you use unicast mode.
  7. J

    Video now available for 2012 show (114 Universes)

    It's not a one man show, but not a large group either. This show is put together by Eclectic Precision, basically a 2-man team. I'm sure they have assistance in setting everything up and obviously Martin has involvement with some of the programming. There are 40+ pixel controllers at work...
  8. J

    Experiences with SanDevices E682 controller

    Yes as of right now all strings in a cluster are defined as the same length. The disadvantage is that if you have different sized strings on a cluster, you have to define the cluster based on the length of the longest string, so you wind up wasting some dmx channels. That becomes less of an...
  9. J

    Experiences with SanDevices E682 controller

    As noted by Eddy and Gary, the board currently supports 6 universes. The upcoming firmware release will bump that to 7 universes for multicast, and also add support for unicast E1.31, and that should be capable of up to 12 universes.
  10. J

    New firmware for E68X controllers.

    Firmware version 3.0 is expected to be released for beta testing by the 1st of next week. This firmware will run on the E682 as well as E680s and E671s that have the upgraded ethernet module. This version adds support for unicast E1.31, and ups the available universes to 12. E1.31 packet...
  11. J

    Will All These Items Work Together with LOR???

    The 2811 is a 3-wire pixel very similar to the 1804. Most 1804 controllers will work with the 2811.
  12. J

    Wu 6803 "Square" Pixel Wiring

    If you look closely at a pixel you can usually identify the pair of wires used for power because the 'in' and 'out' of the +V and ground leads are common, whereas 'in' and 'out' for data and clock will go to separate pads. Of course once you identify the pair of wires that are power you still...
  13. J

    WS2811 protocol

    The timing values you give are for the slow speed (400kbps). The 2811s that I have seen so far are all set for high speed (800kbps). Just curious where you found 2811 pixels that are set for the slower speed.
  14. J

    2811 Pixels really cheap but need support from pixel controllers.

    Firmware to upgrade the E68x controllers in on the web site now. Current version is an .eeprom file that has to be loaded by a Parallax prop plug programmer. I will post the utility soon that will allow you to send the .eeprom file to the E68x using the lan connection, no programmer required...
  15. J

    6803 strip with CCR controller $80