Recent content by xdandev91x

  1. xdandev91x

    Flickering Pixels after an ornament (all of a sudden) - Troubleshooting Steps

    A great point. Literally doing this. Thank you. @Gilrock, wow fair enough. I'm definitely not comfortable to unsolder resistors from the falcon Controller though.
  2. xdandev91x

    Flickering Pixels after an ornament (all of a sudden) - Troubleshooting Steps

    Yeah I did the same but it didn't help given that I think the culprit in this scenario is a pixel which is working (lighting up perfectly) but all of a sudden had a decline in sending data. Haha exactly! My blood was boiling when I had someone say "hey is that tree meant to do that?" and then...
  3. xdandev91x

    Flickering Pixels after an ornament (all of a sudden) - Troubleshooting Steps

    Okay, so some more troubleshooting steps done today. I moved ornament 1 away from the pillar wall to check for electrical interference. Issue persisted. Not electrical interference. Swapped the prop order and anything after what was originally ornament 1 has an issue. Not a controller issue...
  4. xdandev91x

    Flickering Pixels after an ornament (all of a sudden) - Troubleshooting Steps

    I've run out of f-amps but I will pull one from another string to test this! This is an obvious test I should have done! I am going to try and test this now actually. I haven't replaced anything yet. It is weird that an issue with the negative would happen randomly after 2 weeks of success -...
  5. xdandev91x

    Flickering Pixels after an ornament (all of a sudden) - Troubleshooting Steps

    Hi all, First year running a show, so go easy haha. So show has been running successfully for about 2 weeks - a few hiccups but all resolved through basic user error (i.e. matrix inverted, wire runs too long and needed a data booster etc.). Tonight's show I noticed that in a line of 3...
  6. xdandev91x

    Wire gauge concerns with multiple 600W PSUs

    Fair enough! I'll take a measurement tomorrow at full brightness and see how lucky I fair, given the pixels are brand new also.
  7. xdandev91x

    Wire gauge concerns with multiple 600W PSUs

    I am planning for 50% but will most likely turn it down. Given I don't have that many pixels, I figured 50% brightness and working my way down might be a good plan. I completely overlooked the power distribution boards! This would have made things sooooo much easier. Placing an order for...
  8. xdandev91x

    Wire gauge concerns with multiple 600W PSUs

    Hi, I am setting up my first show and really don't want to burn the new house down... My main question is whether I can power inject with 18 gauge wire? If so, do I need to change my approach to power injection? The pixel voltage calculator indicated no issue with voltage drop in each power...