Recent content by zman

  1. zman

    Free Newbie and Not so Newbie Webinar on Christmas Expo Community

    Just a reminder if interested in attending this Monday's webinar, to register!
  2. zman

    Free Newbie and Not so Newbie Webinar on Christmas Expo Community

    Sorry about the links above they did not come in as a copy/paste. Here are the links: Christmas Expo Community - Registration Page -...
  3. zman

    International 2018 Annual Pacific NW CLAP Mtg

    We are about as set as we can be for this weekend. Special thanks to Eric Foley and the new Firehouse. They have pushed to get things ready for us, and even in its somewhat incomplete state, the pictures look amazing. I cant wait to see it in person. I still contend that we have the best venue...
  4. zman

    International 2018 Annual Pacific NW CLAP Mtg

    Here is the Final Update. We are only 18 days away! CLAP is the last major gathering that is still free to attend, so we need to plan on head count. Please RSVP if you plan to attend, and let me know if you will attend the Friday night Meet and Greet event. If you have already sent an RSVP no...
  5. zman

    International 2018 Annual Pacific NW CLAP Mtg

    An Update for the Pac NW CLAP Sorry for the lack of communication. Been a busy year already. We are all set for Saturday April 21st. Set Up Party and Pizza Feast on Friday April 20th. Pizza Feast Venue is TBD an update will follow As usual bring anything you want to trade or sell for the Swap...
  6. zman

    International 2018 Annual Pacific NW CLAP Mtg

    Clappers, The date has been set for our annual gathering. Saturday April 21st. NOTE! The location will be different. With mixed emotions, we have outgrown Nancy's Lake House and Bill's shop. Sadly there are a lot of memories there, but we are still keeping it in the family, as Eric Foley...
  7. zman

    Advatek lights IC type

    Advatek's are based off the MY9231, and are way, WAY more better, and efficient than standard 28xx's or even TLS3001.
  8. zman

    International 2017 PacNW CLAP Meeting

    Can someone explain to me why attempting to cut and paste now on this forum results in the above? Frustrating...
  9. zman

    International 2017 PacNW CLAP Meeting

    Just a quick update. We are 4 weeks away from CLAP. We are still looking for RSVPs to assist with head count for lunch. If you have already RSVP’d we have you down, if not, please let us know. [/size]Here is an updated agenda and vendor list: [/size]Friday afternoon 2-5pm Set up or just hang out...
  10. zman

    International 2017 PacNW CLAP Meeting

    We have an update for CLAP. Please PM me if interested. For some reason this forum does not like cutting and pasting.........
  11. zman

    International 2017 PacNW CLAP Meeting

    NW CLAPPERS: Some of you may or may not be aware that on Oct 6th 2016, we lost one of our own, Rex Gaus. Besides Jim Winder, Rex was the member who usually drove up on a motorcycle, many times with his daughter or his wife Vanesa in tow. Rex and Vanesa were in attendance last year. There is a...
  12. zman

    International 2017 PacNW CLAP Meeting

    The Season is barely a memory a this point, but we wanted to get notice out as early as possible. This event is still open to all who are interested and is still one of the last free "minis" out there CLAP will be held on Saturday April 29th. Put it in your calendars. Our usual first Saturday...
  13. zman

    Motorised spotlight

    These are called DMX Yoke lights. Here in the USA, American DJ, Chauvet are the brands DJ's use often. As you move up in quality and capability, Martin Mac makes some great units. Also here in the US, we have brokers that will take the stock from theatrical companies and sell them used. This...
  14. zman

    2016 Pacific NW C.L.A.P Meeting

    Thanks to all that attended 2016 CLAP. It was another successful event! Thanks to our final list of sponsors, we so very much appreciate your support through the years! • Demented Elf • Boscoyo Studios • Christmas-LEDS • Creative Displays • Evan Norris • Matt Ross • Wireframe Concepts...