Release Vixen 3.3u1 Release


Senior elf
Feb 15, 2014
Vixen 3.3u1 has been released. This is a recommended update from version 3.3. It fixes many bugs and has some minor new features as well as one new effect.

You can download it at the following link.

Vixen Release Notes - 3.3u1


* Maintenance release for Vixen 3.3

Bug Fixes / Features by ticket

VIX-1140 Tooltip for the Nudge has Milliseconds spelt as Miniseconds
VIX-1138 Unable to ZIP up the Default profile when no other profiles have been created.
VIX-1133 error when opening a sequence
VIX-1130 Paste Effect To Marks
VIX-1129 Create a Shockwave type effect
VIX-1128 Context Menu in the Link Elements Form is not the Dark Theme
VIX-1125 Control+Click Cloning doesn't copy layer
VIX-1124 Sequence Editor Context Menu Paste Icon
VIX-1121 Some of the effects that support Location does not retain the hidden String Orientation when loading sequence
VIX-1117 Mega Tree Setup Control form redesign
VIX-1116 Add degree offset to preview Megatree
VIX-1114 Add audio support to Firework effect
VIX-1112 Pixel Grid intial lights per string incorrectly displayed
VIX-1111 Preview Points not displaying correctly (Arch, Pixel Grid)
VIX-1109 Clean up a few left over memory issues.
VIX-1107 Issue with Meteor effect when Meteor direction is set to Random Direction
VIX-1106 Typo RainBow vs Rainbow
VIX-1105 Intensity overlay on Twinkle effect not working as expected
VIX-1102 Video doesn't play at proper speed
VIX-1101 Window name not intuative
VIX-1099 Snowflake Effect gets stuck
VIX-1097 Butterfly and Bars effect both have location based rendering issues.
VIX-1096 Maintain Circle while drawing ellipse in preview
VIX-1095 Effect Names
VIX-1092 Add Location support to the Text Effect
VIX-1070 Row expansion settings not restoring properly
VIX-1049 Close Preview MessageBox Buttons
VIX-1031 Vixen2 Import Forms Theme
VIX-869 Reversing elements in Setup
VIX-672 need ability to change start point for pixel ellipse
VIX-670 Expand / Collapse / All
VIX-646 sequence editor transport controls
VIX-615 set level: multiple discrete colors.