Another DMX to 2801 module


Apprentice elf
May 9, 2011
Tustin, Ca
I was on Ray's site and found this:

Looks to me as something worth looking into. The ability to power 2801 strings from 8 to 12VDC is a positive thing. The unit is small, can be attached close to the strings and could be powered using the RJ45 cable. It may not be $7 like the ones for RGB non-pixelized strings but I've not seen anything else come that close in price.

Has anyone had a chance to check these out?
Are you sure it converts the input voltage into 5V to power the 2801 string? I don't think it does. Not from the description anyway. It does say "5V TTL electrical level" but that's referring to the data and clock outputs I suspect.
David_AVD said:
Are you sure it converts the input voltage into 5V to power the 2801 string? I don't think it does. Not from the description anyway. It does say "5V TTL electrical level" but that's referring to the data and clock outputs I suspect.

You are correct, you'll need to supply power to the controller AND the pixels.

These are still good controllers and a viable option for a distributed system combined with an ECG output.
So how would you then program in the start address or are these just set at start channel 1 and use the whole DMX universe.

Can the software that was developed for the $6 3 channel modules work to set up the start address?

The fact that these units have both a DMX in and a DMX out would make me think you should be able to do some configuration of the start address and channels, hopefully someone may know
neil said:
Eddy, the Omumen controllers use a special programming controller called the MC-900

Eddy -

There are three types of "addressing" - see the manual link I posted. Here is the programmer that can set the start address (parrallel or serial):

After a little bit of playing (and chatting to dmoore), I think we've worked out that when the manual refers to three ways of setting the DMX address, they are actually referrig to the fact that there are 3 variants of the controller, which each have their own way of setting the DMX address.

Option "P" (eg OM-DDP-P-512) - dip switch sets DMX address (dmx in parallel)

Option "S" (eg OM-DDP-S-256) - dmx in serial - dmx address set to 1. First unit strips out the first 256 channels and sends out the remaining channels via the DMX out wires (the next unit then thinks it is channel 1 - a bit like how pixels work)

Option "PA" (eg OM-DDP-PA-512) - dmx in parallel - dmx starting address set by MC-900 controller.

I am not sure if Ray has the "PA" or "P" versions available - he supplied the "S" options to me (and I think that's what dmoore had), but will find out from him.

If the "PA" version isn't available then you're pretty much limited to either using only one controller per universe (which is what I'll be doing), or getting the 128 or 256 channel ones in order to get 2 or 4 controllers in a 512 universe.
I am thinking of getting a couple of these to drive some WS2801 pixels from Ray. Is your controller still behaving itself?

JPB said:
I am thinking of getting a couple of these to drive some WS2801 pixels from Ray. Is your controller still behaving itself?
I must admit that I haven't done a huge burn in, but the two that I've hooked up don't seem to have missed a beat whenever I have run anything against them

The ones I got were 512 channel, so each one takes up a universe which can mean you chew up your dongles (or dr4 outputs) pretty quickly

Ray does have 128 and 256 channel versions that will allow 2 or 4 controllers per universe. But keep in mind that unlike something like a tp3244, you cannot set the start address or number of channels - if you have 4x 128 channel controllers, the start addresses will be 1, 129, 257 and 385 even if you only hook up 10 pixels (30 channels) to each. Obviously this can result in a bit of universe wastage. :)
kane said:
JPB said:
I am thinking of getting a couple of these to drive some WS2801 pixels from Ray. Is your controller still behaving itself?
I must admit that I haven't done a huge burn in, but the two that I've hooked up don't seem to have missed a beat whenever I have run anything against them

The ones I got were 512 channel, so each one takes up a universe which can mean you chew up your dongles (or dr4 outputs) pretty quickly

Ray does have 128 and 256 channel versions that will allow 2 or 4 controllers per universe. But keep in mind that unlike something like a tp3244, you cannot set the start address or number of channels - if you have 4x 128 channel controllers, the start addresses will be 1, 129, 257 and 385 even if you only hook up 10 pixels (30 channels) to each. Obviously this can result in a bit of universe wastage. :)

Thanks Kane,
I am planning to run a full universe on a tree so the lack of addressing flexibility will not be an issue for me. Sounds like it is time to go shopping.

I know this is an old topic but I'm curious to the setup of said controllers.

I'm getting more and more into using the 2801 pixels but getting a controller as there are so many out there is the confusing part to me. Ill be running on a LOR network as well.

These as stated above strip out the channels as they move along. So If I'm understanding this correctly if I get the 128 channel version which is roughly 42 pixels even if I only use say 30 pixels or 90 channels, my next Dmx controller will need to be setup at channel 129 correct? If that is correct as well when using these controllers for an entire network how do you setup the second controller to understand its channel 129?
GoofyGuy said:
I know this is an old topic but I'm curious to the setup of said controllers.

I'm getting more and more into using the 2801 pixels but getting a controller as there are so many out there is the confusing part to me. Ill be running on a LOR network as well.

These as stated above strip out the channels as they move along. So If I'm understanding this correctly if I get the 128 channel version which is roughly 42 pixels even if I only use say 30 pixels or 90 channels, my next Dmx controller will need to be setup at channel 129 correct? If that is correct as well when using these controllers for an entire network how do you setup the second controller to understand its channel 129?

I have been talking to Ray about these, First thing is they are more suited to 2801 strip then 2801 Pixels as the voltage input for them is 8v-15v.
From what he tells me if you get the 128ch versions and put them in series on the same universe the second one will know to start at channel 129. This is the bit that remains to be seen.
I am getting some of these to test but not for a month or so.