Gettiing started with J-Channel


New elf
Oct 6, 2021
Hello! I'm completely new, but I've been lurking for a few months and I haven't found an answer to this question.

To get started, I want to start small and just outline the house. I'm hoping to drill my 12mm holes in j-channel, snap the bullet pixels in, and then attach the j-channel to the soffit or cement it under the roof shingles. I'm hoping to buy the set of 1000 lights from Ray Wu (starting small ha ha), and then I'll have the same lights ready for future expansion.

I'm looking for the dimensions of the lights, so that I can be assured that my j-channel plan is feasible. Here's an example from another vendor on Amazon; where can I find a similar drawing for Ray Wu's lights?

Screen Shot 2022-03-10 at 8.42.07 PM.png

Thanks in advance for your help,

Chesterfield County, Virginia, USA
Skymaster - you are absolutely right, and I actually thought of that as soon as I pressed ‘enter’ for this post. Thank you.