

Dedicated elf
Jul 13, 2012
When I first became interested in creating a Christmas light display sequenced to music, I discovered the LOR forums and joined up to learn from the more experienced. To my dismay, it soon became apparent that the forum was dominated by many who appeared to gain great pleasure from humiliating new members about their lack of knowledge on all things related to Christmas displays and it was very disheartening. However, I soon discovered the Auschristmas forum which, in contrast, welcomed new members into the Christmas lighting community and in fact encouraged newbies to ask questions with the line often quoted “the only dumb question is the one you don’t ask”.
Sadly, it has become apparent to me that there still exist within this community, those still looking for an opportunity to nitpick, attempt to humiliate and verbally attack other members when they see an opportunity. This first became apparent to me, to my great surprise, when the Auschristmas site had it’s great crash some time ago. I was completely taken aback when the knives came out attacking the individual who had generously and without thanks, donated their services free of charge to host the site and keep it running.
Over the last couple of days, comments have been made with regards to the recent tragedy in Paris that have left me at a complete loss and has made it intolerable to continue to be a part of this Auschristmas community. The comments akin to cyber bullying made on this forum and in the xlights/nutcracker Facebook group are beyond my understanding (but I thank to those who were positive or simply clicked “like”). Innocent people in Paris were massacred and all some could think about was to nitpick, criticize and make snide comments about the way the colours of the French flag are portrayed on a vertical structure (just the same as on several landmarks around the world including the Eiffel tower itself) in an attempt to humiliate someone, and for what!!!.... for trying to do something supportive for the French in this time of horror. That is just truly bizarre behaviour. But the final straw for me was in chat last night as I watched in dismay, the sarcastic discussion about how many countries in the world have red, white and blue colours in their flags....
May I suggest next time that the carping minority at least wait until the blood of the victims of such a tragedy has dried before you indulge in a bit of self congratulatory, derisive, sarcasm and criticism of others who are just trying to do something even a tiny bit descent.
To those that have always been helpful and positive (the majority), thank you and I wish you well with your displays and hope you continue to bring joy to those who visit your lights.
To those few with their verbal knives ready at the keyboard, I hope you soon learn to stand on your own merits without the need to put down others and that your lives start to improve. I mean really, nobody needs that crap.
Logan, I don't know you but it's a shame you feel that you have to quit these forums for those reasons. You should not let it get to you, there will always be those people in almost any online community.

Personally, I just stay out of stuff like that. Its not worth discussing politics etc online. There will always be someone with a differing opinion than yours, right or wrong or neither and it ends up messy.

Good luck to you - I hope you change your mind.
just like to say DONT GO!!!, broadminded people are what makes this forum work so well, and you have helped me over the years directly and indirectly by just reading your posts and responses to other peoples requests for help. So please reconsider (even if it means quietly on the sidelines)
All the best for what ever you decide!!! and Merry Christmas to you and yours!!!!!!!!!
Cheers Boof63 :D (in the hope you you stay!) :D
Hi Logan,

I feel sadden by your post, I feel that whatever took place last night in chat has cut deep and I feel that in your post. I have enjoyed numerous discussions with you about your display and I truly hope that you will still visit the forum as we all learn from each other and you have given good guidance to me over the time on the forum. Take care mate and hopefully we will chat soon
Hey logan I am in agreeance with you mate as who cares if stripes where round wrong way diagonally even big deal you where honouring the people of paris and the world for that matter. Myself as an Australian understand we quite often have dry sarcastic humour and am careful of what I say on the Internet .but that may not be the case here . Would hope the people involved could apologise. Good luck logan as I think you surely would be missed by many people here merry xmas to you and your family
i have learnt over time that things should be taken with a fair bit more than a grain of salt (iceberg size)
and banter/venting/flaming/trolling/criticising etc are what makes us human...

Whatever you decide to do is up to you mate... we will be here if you need us.

good luck with all your future ventures buddy.
Really? I'll admit that I forgot to put a smiley face after my original post about your French flag, but I wasn't being serious. I only said it because I'd just read a news story about channel 7 displaying a bullet-ridden Dutch flag in the background of their news bulletin. I've never been in chat and probably won't, so I have no idea what went on last night.

As for my original comment, it wasn't a criticism, just an observation.
That's the problem with discussing stuff like that online - everything is open to misinterpretation and offence is easily taken.

TBH, I think most of that sort of stuff does not really have a place on this forum - hang on, that was my opinion... see...
Logan i am one of many who has has some things said to me regarding different newbie issues and every forum is the same take your complaints to the admins and see if it can be resolved, unfortunately cyber bullies are people of a weak constitution and the keyboard cowboys of the west and if confronted in person turn to water , don't let the words of a few fools ruin your experience and abilities to help other newbies with the knowledge you have aquired

Do not let a few bad apples spoil the bunch my friend :)

Remember that freedom of speech is for everyone whether we like it or not .

I have to agree with lizardking (adam) ignore the keyboard cowboys and enjoy the hobby as you have in the past .
Your viewers depend on you now and your kindness in giving of seasonal entertainment .

Karma is what comes to mind in this thread :)

Cheers and best of Luck to all !
Wow I'm really not sure what to say and I hope you read this thread.

Please bring it to the attention of the moderators; I don't know what happened last night but hopefully no-one wanted it to come to this. It's quite disturbing to know there are others in this community who have offended you to this extent especially when most of us don't know who they are as it was in the chat. I believe the chat is logged so it might be possible to track the problem down.

When I saw the flag comment I just laughed because your flag was correct. If they genuinely thought it was the wrong flag then it would make sense to tell you because you might want to fix it.

Look at your display and what you have learned through ACL and put it into perspective. Was the chat incident bad enough to stop it all here? It is possible to put ACL members on ignore if they target you.
I posted the "We Support Paris" and I really intended that others would post similar supporting comments or pics (thank you logan for yours) instead this has been hijacked by a few stupid and unthinking posts.... I doubt the people who lost loved ones view that as sympathy
Come on people...take it to the admins?..he's being a touch too sensitive here. You need a somewhat thick skin to survive the the heck what...someone made fun of the French flag.
Hi Logan,
I'm sorry to see you leave, but I understand your reasons.
As a newbie I'd like to thank-you for your input to ACL and for sharing your Olaf snowman design, amongst other posts. Based on this i have made (making) a singing star, a Reindeer and two trees (also thanks to Baf05) which I hope will be the centre piece of my new display. I had hoped to have them finished by now so I could photograph them, so I could publicly thank you for sharing your ideas that allowed me to build them.
Personally I would prefer that you stayed, as i think I will need to pick your brains to program these monsters, ( :D lol.) and importantly ACL will be (is) all the better with your input. We need the balance that members like you provide.

All the best
Firstly I would like to say I have met Logan a few years ago at the Sydney mini and he is a really great guy and has added a lot to this forum. I am really devastated to hear you have made the choice to leave the community here.

As a Mod here I would like to apologise for the members that were out of line last night and wish I was online last night as I would have booted people if they were being out of line about Paris. as this is not a laughing matter.

please let the mods and or admin know if anything is upsetting on this site and if any bullying is going on. bullying is not on and members will be given a time out and at least kicked from chat for a time out

I know some of use have jokes with each other but me must think of others at the same time.