Hi y'all, Bob from Santa Barbara County California


New elf
Aug 1, 2023
I've seen this site many times but apparently never had registered for some reason... done that now. Trying to get started early THIS year... tried many times in the past but never could seem to get rolling until November. Retired last December so have more time now (supposedly anyway) and lets see if I can actually work on some sequences before November this time. 😄
I've pretty much stuck with the old traditional incandescent and a few newer LED store-bought Christmas decorations for the display, all controlled from good old 16-channel LOR AC dimmer controllers. I have three of those and am adding a 12-channel DMX dimmer controller I saw on Aliexpress recently. I also added a single channel DMX relay last year just to power up the 'Grinch' inflation blower (the only inflatable) when that song comes around in the show list. So just a bunch of cartoon characters and some metal wire trees along with several regular strings on the (real) trees and bushes.
This year I'm working on finally getting some pixels added into the show - I'm working on adding the new 'pebble' style pixel strings to my old wire trees since they will be able to remain on the trees and easily fold back up to fit inside the storage boxes. Just trying to figure out what pixel spacing will work best for those first. Bought a few strings to zip-tie to a tree and see how it looks before ordering what I need to do the rest of the trees (10 total). Planning on using individual tiny wifi SBC's for each tree to control them, hope it works out ok, still learning just how that might be accomplished.
I also have some bullet pixel strings I bought a few years ago and plan to turn those into a matrix type display on an iron fence in the background of the display area.
The real challenge for me will be adding all those pixels into the sequences I already have perfected for the existing show elements. I got a little experience adding to the sequences when I added a mega tree (just 16 strings of solid colored LEDs), but going from dimmer channels to pixels still seems like a quantum leap! Just gotta make the jump I guess.


Apprentice elf
Generous elf
Sep 16, 2020
Grantsville, Utah, United States
Welcome! You didn't mention what software you sequence in, but generally adding pixels isn't as difficult as it seems. Most programs are designed with RGB in mind now, so I'm sure you'll be able to work through it. Feel free to stop by the chat room if you have questions; there's usually someone there even if they aren't chatting at the time.


Senior elf
Generous elf
Dec 27, 2014
Buellton California
A little late... but welcome to ACL. Never seen a member join in the same County as me! I'm only about 20 minutes away. Feel free to hit me up if you need anything.