INK1003 30LED/mtr, 30Pixel/mtr, @ 12V


Full time elf
Dec 8, 2012
Chirnside Park, Victoria, AU
Just found this on Rays site.

Appears to be a new chip that can run 12V (5V variant also) and give you 30 fully addressable LEDs per meter (or 60 if you prefer).

Runs on the WS2811 protocol apparently.

Anybody used this? Liked it? Like the idea of it? Care to explain how it works?

David_AVD said:
Weird that the strip has 12V and 5V connections, but the specs for the chip say 7.5V max ?
exactly what I was just looking at , one minute says its 5.5v operating but the next says it runs on 5 and 12v :eek:
I am also curious to how this works
If you look at the 4th picture, there seems to be some components on the BACK of the strip about every 15th pixel. My guess is that you hook up 12v and that extra stuff is some sort of voltage regulator or something to create the 5v line.

That's just a guess though.
They do look like they could be interesting, might need to buy some & have a look
Does anyone have an update on this ?

And, a correction to the Topic, they are 60 pixels per metre. That would enable a great dense matrix.
There was a fellow having some issues with them on a E682, he sent the string to SanDevices to have them figure it out if it's a string issue, a firmware issue, or some other issue. They probably have just reached SanDevices in the last day or so, probably be another week before anything pops back up on that.

Sean, of Nutcracker, was going to order a string to try too with Falcon pixelnet gear. I have not found out if he did that.

I have some in getting sent to me this week, so hopefully early next week I will be able to give it a test run & see how it goes. Ray has said that is only cuttable into 500mm sections due to the 12v - 5v resistors
The way this strip works is that the LED and 2812B embedded chip runs at 5vdc, so there is a 5vdc track and the strip would be cuttable every pixel if using 5vdc. So its the same as any normal 5vdc strip in that regards.
But there is an additional track that runs in the strip that is used for 12vdc. Every 500mm (1/2 metre) there is a voltage regulator on the back of the strip, this voltage regulator takes 12vdc and drops it down to 5vdc, so if using 12vdc then the strip would be cuttable for every 500mm only.

So this strip is an attempt to allow the 2812B embedded 5050 LED to run with an input of 12vdc so voltage drop is less of a concern and current requirements would be lower than 5vdc. But as with most adaptions there is a compromise and that is the cutting distance of 500mm when running at 12vdc.
I sent the ink1003 pixels I got from Ray to Jim at Sandevices because there is a timing issue compared to the ws2811. Jim has had the flu so he hasn't had time to test the pixels. Maybe a few of you could drop Jim a line and say that you are all interested in the outcome of this.
tucsonlights said:
I sent the ink1003 pixels I got from Ray to Jim at Sandevices because there is a timing issue compared to the ws2811. Jim has had the flu so he hasn't had time to test the pixels. Maybe a few of you could drop Jim a line and say that you are all interested in the outcome of this.

What's Jim's email there? just the sales one?