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Dedicated elf
Jul 13, 2012
So this is my new project for a singing snowman.... Olaf to be exact. It's all very temporary at present being held together with bluetak etc. and in the testing phase to see what works best.....and he doesn't have a body yet. He also has temporary black coro for the eyes but plan to have been controlled by pixels only.
Only have enough rectangular pixel modules for the mouth and not enough modules to do the rest of the head so have some dimmer stand in pixels for the rest of the head, hence why the mouth looks so bright compared to the rest. But should be sorted once the new modules arrive.
Awesome Logan!! I was thinking of ditching my wire ropelight moving snowman this year and making a CoroSanta or something. I have lots of spare 60led strip and channels but I think I may have overdone it this year already, lots more stuff to sequence and not enough time to do it in.
Thanks for all the positive replies. He's a bit rough at the moment but hopefully when finished will look better. Programming the mouth movements is a bit more complicated as parts of the mouth have to switch from white to blue to white etc but it's not too bad once I got my head around it. Using pixels also means I should be able to make his cheeks blush, eyes blink or wink etc.
Excellent. My kids have asked for one already. Would love to see how it's set up behind once he's glued together.
Here is an update on the Olaf build. Finally got all the lights glued in and have done away with the stand-in nose and eyes and have lights taking over. Video not quite picking it up as well as live. Now have to make the body and feet. Seems to be coming together ok. Enjoying having the pixel control so I can add colour to the face where required (blush and tan) and control the eyes

Edit: unfortunately is seems to get a little out of sync in the video above. It's in sync in reality but somewhere a long the way when splicing the video together with the sound track in iMovie, it makes it look a little out. Don't know why. The main thing is that the actual sequence when played live is sync'd ok.