Light-O-Rama Version 3.0.0 Released


New elf
Dec 10, 2010
Bushland Beach, Townsville
The following was posted by Bob from Light-O-Rama earlier this morning


Version 3.0.0 of the Light-O-Rama Software Suite has been released. Before saying what's new or how to get the installer, here are a couple important things to note:

Operating systems earlier than Windows XP (such as Windows 98 SE) are no longer supported. Please see the following post for more information:

Your license might not work with version 3. Please see the following post for information such as how to find out whether it will or not, and what to do if it won't:

We suggest checking that page before actually downloading and installing S3.

You can get the installer for the new version from the software download page:

As for what's new, you can see a full list, with descriptions of each new thing, in the help file's What's New page, and here is a video showing some (not all) of the new features (warning! the video is over half an hour long!). And here's a list of the changes (without details - please see the What's New page for more information on them):

• New program: The Light-O-Rama Visualizer
• New program: The Light-O-Rama SuperStar Sequencer
• Channel Groups
• Native DMX Devices
• Paint Sequence
• Compressed Sequences
• Variables in Windows shell commands
• New paste modes
• Dimming curves
• Hide or unhide a track by left-clicking its track bar
• Select columns or rows via the right-click context menu
• Protected sequences
• Custom keyboard maps
• Reversing pixel order in CCRs/CCBs
• Effect tools' keyboard shortcuts shown in toolbar tooltips
• Control over channel button colors while not playing
• Several view settings for sequences are now persistent
• Tools Panel can be completely hidden
• Control over channel names in "Insert Device"
• Channel names in "Insert Device" indicate network for auxiliary networks
• Subsequences changed on disk automatically reloaded
• Additional clipboard management capability
• Locking channels in tracks
• Additional info in channel button tooltips
• Sequence grid tooltips show channel color
• Time ranges in Beat Wizard and VU Wizard automatically set to play range
• VU Wizard shows percent of time above threshold
• New "Change Controller" dialog
• Add Controller dialog allows selection of network
• Additional Mouse Scroll Wheel Support
• Sequence and track names are printed
• Control Panel's menu reorganized
• Performance of "Repeat" improved
• Memory usage of undo recording improved
• Verifier speed improved for channel conflict check
• "Channel Property Grid" renamed to "Channel Configuration"
• Bug Fixes


Senior elf
Jun 30, 2010
Adelaide, Australia
Thanks for the notice, davidt!

I checked an hour or so ago and it wasn't up but the licence upgrade procedures, OS support list and help files were.

Just some advice to anyone who will need to renew their licence to get S3: bob on the LOR forum says that performing an upgrade to a higher tier or purchasing the addon for the Superstar software also counts as a renewal, so it would make more sense to renew using this method if you plan on adding more controllers or CCR's in the future. More value for money! ;)