Mystery tree issues


New elf
May 3, 2018
Hi all well I am baffled on this one. Have 5 mini trees which are grouped in sequence to run different effects all at the same time. The 5th tree starts off in the sequence the same as the others however after awhile (in no particularly effect) just displays red pixels then only half of them and then goes off completely. If I stop the program do a light test on all it works fine and then when I reset the sequence again it plays nicely but within an hour it is doing it again. Any suggestions. Was not overly hot last night either.


Senior elf
Oct 11, 2012
Kellyville, NSW
from your description it definitely sounds odd.

if you were to replace the last tree with a string of spare pixels does the problem still happen to those pixels?

between when the problem is happening and the problem goes away are you power cycling the pixels or controller. If you just stop and restart the sequence does it go away.

Generally pixels doing weird stuff is down to signaling issues which can vary over time due to the amount of current being drawn. That is usually worst when on white but from your description that does not seem to be the case.

if it’s not that it is likely the data but if that were the case the problem would be consistent at a point in a song but again that does not seem to be the case.

this seems to be the last tree so it’s not like you can just drop the last tree and see what is happening.

replacing the last tree with an ftest would be interesting as that would let you see the pixel data without the current draw and thus isolate the problem.

mug you just want a Hail Mary you could consider power injection. Or even jumping +/- from the start to end of each tree providing a lower resistance path for the power through the line of trees.


New elf
May 3, 2018
Thanks Keith have pulled him out thankfully all 5 trees of 70 light run back to their own ports so the display keeps running at this stage will be trying out your ideas after the silly season in the interim the rebel tree has been disconnected and placed in the naughty corner. Thanks again. When I figure out the issue will post the results in case it helps somebody else in the future.