Props advice


New elf
Jan 5, 2022
So, I have completed a 10ft mega tree, a large GE singing tree and 3 mini trees, what props do you guys think are best for a small front garden display to add to it, if I am successful in a getting a bigger controller.
We have a company here in UK which supplies a selection of GE models arches , snowflakes etc -but what gives the best bang for your buck as it were
I would be interested in any comments


Journeyman Elf
Generous elf
Jun 26, 2021
Arches are always nice to have and I have peace stakes in my display instead of candy canes. they are simple, quick and easy. I have small 5 node and 13 node stakes. I'll be adding more 13 node stakes this year. Maybe some 15" spinners with the flakes.


Al Gerdes
Nov 29, 2012
Lebanon, Illinois
Arches do look good. You have to decide what type of arch you want to add. Do you like the neon look of a PEX arch (usually with strips inside)? Do you like the look of individual pixels held in the shape of an arch? Perhaps you like the look of a fan/arch combination.

Once you decide on the look, then you need to look at the size. Since you have a small yard, perhaps smaller (3 foot?) arches. Fans at the 3 foot size look good. (They both look good at larger sizes as well, but will they fit in your yard?)


Senior elf
Apr 2, 2022
Cherry St., Hudson MA USA
100% agree on arches, they're a lot of fun in a very simple package, so with no other considerations they're a good addition. Personal preference is to put the light in the tube, so it is diffused. Accentuates the side-to-side motion more than a regular pixel.

That said, take a look at one or two sequence you want to do and try mapping it to your layout. What elements of the sequences had good homes, and what didn't? xLights is free, not just meaning you can use it for free, but you can experiment with your layout without buying anything, and render a preview, and see what it would look like, and then repeat.

From my experience, in addition to the arches, the following props do not take very many ports or pixels, and have a lot of use in the show:
1. A vertical element, such as a couple verticals on the house or a couple peace poles. It might take only one port on the controller to do this.
2. Any other outlines, again a port or two will go a long way toward creating motion in the show.
3. I like things that spin. Spinners and dazzlers and such can get high in pixel count quickly, but I found that I can run 2 spiral trees with stars off a single controller port and the single strand effect is quite nice.
4. While snowflakes are popular, and can be mesmerizing, they start using pixels, power, and ports pretty quickly. But there are options like little lights where you could run a couple dozen on one port, so you had a lot of little things to light up with the music.
5. Matrix, icicles, and high def props are lower bang for the buck, but having just one high-def wreath, spinner, flake, dazzler, star, or similar will really mesmerize some people, so getting just one is possibly worth considering.

Other things I had, like a bunch more singing props, north pole, Mr. Chill, etc., were pretty low bang for the buck.


New elf
Jan 5, 2022
Thanks for all your replies, as I have now got a Falcon controller , I will be looking into some of your suggestions and the first thing will be some spiral tree,s.

On a note from merryoncherry I have a single garage with a front facing gable end so do you think the GE matrix arch as shown would be a good prop for display on it.
This one is available over here from our supplier
  • his is a HDPE Matrix Arch Spinner designed for 12mm pixels
    • Small - 823 node - Measures approx 46 inches wide and 24 inches tall
  • 1.5 inch Arch spacing


  • matrix-arch-spinner-spinarchy-black-small.jpg
    80.1 KB · Views: 6


Senior elf
Apr 2, 2022
Cherry St., Hudson MA USA
"Our supplier" is BALS?

The SpinArchy is hard to argue against - it can be an arch, multi arch, half spinner, or matrix, and a lot of other fun things, so it is very versatile in sequences.

Just be sure you think it is the right size for the space (in my mental image, it's OK but a bit small; maybe you have other things for above it or maybe the roof pitch is different than I'm thinking), and if it is the HDPE version be sure you're willing to take the time to make a mounting skeleton for it. Even on the wall of the garage, you'll probably want something around the border to hold it in shape and leave room for all the pixel wires on the back.
This thread is very old. An answer might not be needed anymore.