Ray Wu - Any Difference?


Apprentice elf
Aug 9, 2016
Hey peoples,

Thought I'd better get a move on and order some parts as people keep reminding me I am running out of time to get this done before Xmas.

Im starting out small and needing just 1x 24V power supply 350W? and will be powering 1x controller (F16V2), and some lights once converted down to 5V. I've read through this topic: http://auschristmaslighting.com/forums/index.php/topic,8016.0.html and decided to just got for a cheap power supply for starters.. I figure any dangerous failures involving shocks and damaged hardware should be able to be avoided through proper use of fuses.

Just wondering if there is any major difference between these power supplies and which you would recommend me getting:

I dont mind paying a bit extra for something that is better quality, and I also realize the "meanwell" branded ones are more than likely not real meanwell's..

Please give me the power to make the right decision :p
You are right about branding in the Chinese products to some extent. (although I have found on a rare occasion a genuine article) But I have found you must look a little closer at the description first. I have seen some power supplies listed as, say 12v 300w but they say it is 33 amps and others saying 350w and 30 amps.
The part number will usually give it away as in 12v300. which would be 25amps, but it may only be 80% efficient so look at it being good for 20 amps.
The other thing is a fan, some will be better with a fan as the cooling will help make them more efficient as long as you put it in an environment that can supply the airflow.
At the end of the day, just be vigilant in your research and if all else fails, Ray Wu is fairly well trusted in the xmas lighting community :)
Oh, and it looks as though I just rambled a bit ;-)
I decided to pay the extra money and purchase Australian Mean-well Power Supplies.
If it does not have the approval stamps your not meant to plug it in.

And your talking about your life and children life.