what is everybody plans for 2016

P10 matrix 3x5 for SMS, animations, issue is waterproofing I guess as I want it on the roof.
17 RGB stars (7x20cm and 7x60cm [coro]) across the roof
Coro piano keys (1 octave)
2 Starburst Stars /Fireworks
Another arch
More fill in the main display garden
Lighting/fill parts of (garden area 30M away from the house)
Find a use for these 10W WS2811 floods
Slow the sequences down a little
Interactive FPP Playlist/Voting/whatever ect

Not sure if I'll do everything, seems like a lot of work haha. Ground up rebuild of the display in pixels last year was taxing enough, but need to do something about the now bare roof and needs more fill maybe.
The plan for my display is as follows measure roof line, house vertical and windows worrk out type and quantity of pixels
I also wish to build a XXL Pixel matrix for the main Prop in the display

Things to concider and design into the disply
1 I am in a very High wind location so the majority of display will have to be close fitted to the house

2 Cable runs to be hidden as much as possible
3. Ease of set up and dismantle

4. Wind Prof all props that are not attaced to house ie arches, mini trees candy canes

5 From shopping list work out power and controler requirements

6 Split shopping lists to bite sized orders to suit my wallet

7 Build props and work out power requiment for each prop

On that note I am planning e1 31 set up and plan each prop as its own univerce

Hopefully I am not over thinking this
Sounds good. The only thing I'd note is that you can only have up to 170 pixels on the same universe. Your XXL matrix sounds as though it will need multiple universes.
Thank you I am trying to get a rough idea as to my shoping list
it my be overkill but I have orderd the falcon 16 v2 plus expansion board with the Pixel matrix in mind
I had thought of a centralised controle system but I am leaning towards decentralised controlers in hope of future expansion becomming easier As a complete novice its going to be a steap learning curve

Rarther than be overwhelmed by the project my plan is to build the physical prop wire in the lights then work out the power requirements and get that prop working then move onto the nest prop

Ie the roof lights then windows and so on

Then build the Big prop as I learn more skills

Hopefully by that time I will have some idea as to the controler set up and how to configure the lighting

After 3 years of saying I want to do it it's time to commit and get on with it
Well my plan for 2016 is the same as my plan for 2015 to actually get some blinky lights happening.

I have a mega tree half constructed which WILL get finished after resolving my technical issues.
I have a Sleigh that has all but been stripped of the acrylic material and old 240vdc lights removed ready for re-lighting, however I may end up trying to copy the metal frame of the sleigh and make some for sale, depends on how my time goes.

Get more Pixel icicles to match some of what I already got so they all match and can go around my eaves.
Finish of my front yard which is now 80% complete so will all look nice together.

Maybe try and make some more elements however I think I will just stick with what I have and get that right and then go bigger.
Seemylights said:
The plan for my display is as follows measure roof line, house vertical and windows worrk out type and quantity of pixels
I also wish to build a XXL Pixel matrix for the main Prop in the display

Things to concider and design into the disply
1 I am in a very High wind location so the majority of display will have to be close fitted to the house

2 Cable runs to be hidden as much as possible
3. Ease of set up and dismantle

4. Wind Prof all props that are not attaced to house ie arches, mini trees candy canes

5 From shopping list work out power and controler requirements

6 Split shopping lists to bite sized orders to suit my wallet

7 Build props and work out power requiment for each prop

On that note I am planning e1 31 set up and plan each prop as its own univerce

Hopefully I am not over thinking this

Seemylights said:
Thank you I am trying to get a rough idea as to my shoping list
it my be overkill but I have orderd the falcon 16 v2 plus expansion board with the Pixel matrix in mind
I had thought of a centralised controle system but I am leaning towards decentralised controlers in hope of future expansion becomming easier As a complete novice its going to be a steap learning curve

Rarther than be overwhelmed by the project my plan is to build the physical prop wire in the lights then work out the power requirements and get that prop working then move onto the nest prop

Ie the roof lights then windows and so on

Then build the Big prop as I learn more skills

Hopefully by that time I will have some idea as to the controler set up and how to configure the lighting

After 3 years of saying I want to do it it's time to commit and get on with it

this sounds exlacly like me (with the execption of the matrix) even down to spending the last 3 years saying i wanted to do it.
So i'll be watching you Seemylights with the hope that i can also accomplish this. I also ordered a falcon 16 v2 so i have no excuse to not try it this year.
my 2016 display will be a whole redo of the middle section of the yard..

Removed the 5m dumb rgb tree
- to be replaced with 2x 2.2m Garland tree's with 480pixels on each

removed the last original 9segment dumb rgb arch, the other one failed the year before.

15 more pixel tint tubes (or maybe more)

maybe more pixel strip archs - if neighbour lets me take over her fence line

6 garland wreaths needing pixels added

maybe some rgb coro presents for around the tree's

a couple more tune to signs (cause people are dumb)

an maybe a dozen or 2 of p10 panels

- I have everything accept for the p10 panels an sheets of coro

an currently have one of the New Garland pixel trees setup in the lounge room.. (now to do all that cable tieing)

i think that will be enouth for this year..
Mcas4380 said:
Seemylights said:
The plan for my display is as follows measure roof line, house vertical and windows worrk out type and quantity of pixels
I also wish to build a XXL Pixel matrix for the main Prop in the display

Things to concider and design into the disply
1 I am in a very High wind location so the majority of display will have to be close fitted to the house

2 Cable runs to be hidden as much as possible
3. Ease of set up and dismantle

4. Wind Prof all props that are not attaced to house ie arches, mini trees candy canes

5 From shopping list work out power and controler requirements

6 Split shopping lists to bite sized orders to suit my wallet

7 Build props and work out power requiment for each prop

On that note I am planning e1 31 set up and plan each prop as its own univerce

Hopefully I am not over thinking this

Seemylights said:
Thank you I am trying to get a rough idea as to my shoping list
it my be overkill but I have orderd the falcon 16 v2 plus expansion board with the Pixel matrix in mind
I had thought of a centralised controle system but I am leaning towards decentralised controlers in hope of future expansion becomming easier As a complete novice its going to be a steap learning curve

Rarther than be overwhelmed by the project my plan is to build the physical prop wire in the lights then work out the power requirements and get that prop working then move onto the nest prop

Ie the roof lights then windows and so on

Then build the Big prop as I learn more skills

Hopefully by that time I will have some idea as to the controler set up and how to configure the lighting

After 3 years of saying I want to do it it's time to commit and get on with it

this sounds exlacly like me (with the execption of the matrix) even down to spending the last 3 years saying i wanted to do it.
So i'll be watching you Seemylights with the hope that i can also accomplish this. I also ordered a falcon 16 v2 so i have no excuse to not try it this year.
I am in colection mode at the moment but when in assemly mode I will be posting updates its going to be a big job

This is a photo of the house as you can see its going to be a very long shopping list

I am back

Due to health issues I had but my lighting plans on hold. Today I recieved my Falcon 16 v2 I will have to take things easy for a while but will get back into the swing of things soon and will try to keep you updated as I go
scamper said:
I am still building items for this year..
But next year I want to redo my pixel mega tree as it was a rush job and I used 2 different brands of string, so the pixels don't line up.
I also want to do a Ferris wheel. I started planning that this year, but I got side tracked and built a nutcracker instead.

Oh how things change...
It would seem the Ferris wheel once again loses out, I made the mistake of asking my daughter what she would like me to build. A train! was the answer.

I also will be doing a lot of fill lighting this year as whenever there was a slow song or part of sequence, that appeared to be when most people would just drive by.
jspaulding22 said:
MarcD said:
Mine is the same as the plan I had for 2015: To not do a display. I succumbed to pressure from the neighbours.

That is a shame MarcD. Some people just don't know what Christmas is about.

I say Bahh Humbug to the neighbours. Get the neighbours involved. Light up the whole street .
Pixels, need more pixels.
videoman3857 said:
jspaulding22 said:
MarcD said:
Mine is the same as the plan I had for 2015: To not do a display. I succumbed to pressure from the neighbours.

That is a shame MarcD. Some people just don't know what Christmas is about.

I say Bahh Humbug to the neighbours. Get the neighbours involved. Light up the whole street .
Pixels, need more pixels.

I had 1 neighbour (that thankfully has gone now) that the whole street hated (drugs) so I was approached by most of the other neighbours and told to up the ante and the music ;-)
They do have an evil side some of them.
This year will be my first display, but so far I've got the following lined up (all pixels)

8 candy canes
6 leaping arches
1 giant arch inlayed into driveway
15 foot 180 degree Mega Tree
custom starburst for on top of mega tree
Partial House outline
2 moving lasers
rear projection Santa onto window
Home made 6ft North Pole sign
4 Raspberry Pi's

Hoping not to annoy the neighbours. Most of them have seen me testing stuff out and have only got encouragement from those I've spoken to.
Well to learn a new software besides light-o-rama because of the cost. I want to move to pixels and plan to figure out a software to do so. I know it is late but starting now.