Falcon Player (formally Falcon Pi Player, FPP) does remote playback of your sequences without a using relatively expensive laptop/desktop. It is a solution to the conductor or director products. The Falcon Player (FPP) runs on Linux, which is on a Single Board Computer. e.g. Raspberry Pi (AU$40 - 60, depending on extras) or BeagleBone Green/Black.
Template:Sequencer Don't let the fact that it runs on Linux put you off, the installation is very easy, and once booted a web interface is used to configure everything an average person would want to change.
FPP runs on Raspberry PI (numerous versions), Beaglebone Green/Black and can be ported to other Linux based single board computers. FPP can control lights via the E1.31 interface, USB dongles for DMX, Renard, Pixelnet or via plug in capes for pixels or LED panels, like the Octoscroller which is used for controlling P10 LED panels with a BeagleBone Black.
Template:Sequencer Don't let the fact that it runs on Linux put you off, the installation is very easy, and once booted a web interface is used to configure everything an average person would want to change.
FPP runs on Raspberry PI (numerous versions), Beaglebone Green/Black and can be ported to other Linux based single board computers. FPP can control lights via the E1.31 interface, USB dongles for DMX, Renard, Pixelnet or via plug in capes for pixels or LED panels, like the Octoscroller which is used for controlling P10 LED panels with a BeagleBone Black.
- FPP's own wiki site: http://falconchristmas.com/wiki/index.php/Falcon_FPP Author's Wiki
- FPP's own forum: http://falconchristmas.com/forum/index.php/board,8.0.html
Installing Falcon Player on a Raspberry Pi 3 Model B
Raspberry Pi + LightShow Pro
Falcon Player runs on the following hardware:
- Raspberry Pi
- BeagleBone Black (manual install)
New Installation Defaults
The default username and password combination for new Falcon Player installations is "fpp" and "falcon".
Exporting Data for Falcon Player
The following section covers exporting your show data from various software.
xLights 4
xLights supports exporting sequence and controller data to the Falcon Player directly from within the software's setup tab. There is no need to separately import data onto your FPP device if using FPP Connect.
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bfax5RK3FWI&t=6m30s
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bfax5RK3FWI&t=6m30s
The Steps
# Configure your controller information in xLights first
# Tools > FPP Connect
# Type in your FPP device (Pi or BBB) IP, username and password
# To synchronise the FPP device controllers with xLights, tick "Upload controller configuration"
# Click "Upload" button
# Tools > FPP Connect
# Type in your FPP device (Pi or BBB) IP, username and password
# To synchronise the FPP device controllers with xLights, tick "Upload controller configuration"
# Click "Upload" button
Vixen 3
The Steps
Light-O-Rama S4 (LOR S4)
* In LOR Sequence Editor, Tools > Channel Configuration, adjust the controller and channel numbers so that they are no gaps. For whole controllers, use the Change Controller button. For individual channels, use the drop-down selection box. You cannot have any gaps in your channel numbers. The next step is to convert the channel type to a DMX Universe, where applicable.
The Steps
LightShow Pro (LSP)
* In LSP Configure Controllers, can not have any left out channels. You need to use a dummy controller if you have gaps.
The Steps
# Export to a conductor sequence, it should list all your controllers.
# Start xlights, go to the "Concert" tab.
# Click on "Choose Files", in the "Select File" window change the file type too "Lynx Conductor Sequence (*.seq)", select the file you have exported from LSP.
# Tick the boxes for "Map Empty LMS Channels" and "All channels off at end"
# Change the xlights output format too "Falcon Player (.fseq)"
# Click on Start Conversion, it will ask for the audio/media file if needed, find it and open it.
# The "Conversion Messages" panel should indicate any issues and the name of the output file.
# Start xlights, go to the "Concert" tab.
# Click on "Choose Files", in the "Select File" window change the file type too "Lynx Conductor Sequence (*.seq)", select the file you have exported from LSP.
# Tick the boxes for "Map Empty LMS Channels" and "All channels off at end"
# Change the xlights output format too "Falcon Player (.fseq)"
# Click on Start Conversion, it will ask for the audio/media file if needed, find it and open it.
# The "Conversion Messages" panel should indicate any issues and the name of the output file.
Importing Data into Falcon Player
# Channel Outputs is configured the same as software which created the sequence.
# You have already converted the file to a "Falcon Player (.fseq)" file.
# You have already converted the file to a "Falcon Player (.fseq)" file.
The Steps
# Falcon Player web interface, goto the "File Manager", "Sequence Tab"
# Drag your "Falcon Player (.fseq)" file (display in what ever OS file manger you use) over the top of the "Select Files" icon. You should see it uploading
# Repeat this process for any Audio or Video which is needed by the sequence.
# Drag your "Falcon Player (.fseq)" file (display in what ever OS file manger you use) over the top of the "Select Files" icon. You should see it uploading
# Repeat this process for any Audio or Video which is needed by the sequence.
See Also
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