Raspberry Pi

{{InfoBox | message='''Come in, superman. Calling superman!''' Aka Undies. This article needs your help!}}

A Raspberry Pi will enable certain synchronised Christmas displays to be run without connecting in a desktop or laptop PC.

== What you need to run your show from a Raspberry Pi ==
* A Raspberry Pi (model B or B+)
* MicroSD card for Pi operating system (At least Class 4, 8GB, but a higher class/larger capacity is recommended for improved performance - e.g. Class 10, 16GB)
** '''Note:''' Model B has a standard SD card slot (microSD adapter required or purchase a plain SD card).
** Model B+ (which supercedes Model B) is the one which has a microSD card slot.
* USB 2.0 flashdrive (At least 4GB) for your converted light show sequences.
* A Micro USB power source (Minimum 1A). You may have an old micro USB phone charger which is compatible (but check its rating)
* [[Falcon Player]] software
* Rasclock ([https://www.modmypi.com/rasclock-raspberry-pi-real-time-clock-module link to buy]) or connection to the internet
* A set of speakers or headphones with a 3.5mm plug to hear the network IP read-out

== Setting up your Raspberry Pi for the first time ==

==== Step 1: Buy the RasPi ====
Raspberry Pi Model B+ is preferred, Model B is also fine

==== Step 2: Ask superman for help ====
For he is the RasPi god.

== Running a light show from a Raspberry Pi - LightShow Pro 2.5 ==

==== Step 1: Short description ====
Detailed description

==== Step 2: Short description ====
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==== Step 3: Short description ====
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== Running a light show from a Raspberry Pi - Light-O-Rama S3 ==

==== Step 1: Short description ====
Detailed description

==== Step 2: Short description ====
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==== Step 3: Short description ====
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== Running a light show from a Raspberry Pi - Vixen 3 ==

==== Step 1: Short description ====
Detailed description

==== Step 2: Short description ====
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==== Step 3: Short description ====
Detailed description

== Demonstration video ==
<embedvideo service="youtube">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CXS3PjtZyyw&index=11&list=PLRCKIqv5mRm6NQJBwWQiqYpxkCFr7JQGX</embedvideo>
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