Any Way to Make Display More Interactive?


New elf
Dec 20, 2023
Hello, i was thinking about a way to make my display unique, and raise a little more money for a charity. I had an idea where you could drive up to our house, connect to a WiFi, and go to a website where you could choose from 12 pre-programmed songs to have the house play. I was wondering if there is any way this exists, or if i would need to make it myself. Any ideas?
We do similar to this with some big buttons connected to gpio pins on the FPP pi. There is a big buttons plugin for FPP that would allow you to do something with web based buttons. We have found people have loved the interactivity not sure about the driving donations side of things tho as we are far too small fry to be thinking about that.

My idea is you drive up, and you can do one free song, but you could apple pay 1$ and play a second song sort of. could you explain how you make the FPP change the order? that was my amin obstacle. I think i can program a simple ESP32 web server.
Hello, i was thinking about a way to make my display unique, and raise a little more money for a charity. I had an idea where you could drive up to our house, connect to a WiFi, and go to a website where you could choose from 12 pre-programmed songs to have the house play. I was wondering if there is any way this exists, or if i would need to make it myself. Any ideas?
Many people use RemoteFalcon to give people a way to choose the song. It works easily, you don't have to build anything... no connecting to your wifi or other such complexity. If their phone has internet, they can do it.

Just put a money box out. Make it noticeable. At Christmas, there are people who basically won't leave your show unless they've donated to something. Make a clear place for them to donate, they'll like that because it helps them feel better about themselves. If you ask for $1, they'd give you that, but if you don't give a number, you'll often get $1 but sometimes more. (This was the first year someone put a Benjamin in our box.) Also, if your charity has a QR code, publish it. As much as it surprises me, not everyone has cash or wants to use it. We got 20% more this year by having the QR code for the furniture bank printed out where people could see it.

Your situation may be different, but I'd discourage pay-for-play for 2 reasons:
1. Shows are supposed to be fun. Not everyone wants to be nudged into donating to one more thing at Christmas, and it wouldn't be that fun for them. There are plenty of others who'll donate because they feel like they gave back, not that it was an obligation, and that will make the whole experience more fun for them.
2. There's a question of copyright music. If I buy the song, and play it a little loud and people happen to overhear it, there's no reason to think I'm not within the rights people usually exercise. Now, if I charge you money to hear it in any way, shape, or form, that changes the rules dramatically.

Interactivity is another fun thing to do... IMO that's the best use of buttons and such... to play an overlay sequence.
Depending on what sort of props you have there are some games that can be played on a display matrix through the use of buttons and FPP which can provide additional interactivity.
could anyone give me a link to how to use the remote falcon? I wanted to money donations to (1) limit people to one song to prevent people flooding the system, and (2) incentive giving.
Go here and sign up: - it's easy enough that I didn't consult any instructions other than what they gave there.

You can adjust the web template to put a "please donate" on your page, with a link. Surely someone will follow it.

Having the system flooded with requests? There is a handy way to limit the backlog. Also, you can just go clear it, your login gives you a page nobody else can get at... I might have taken a few requests out because I just got tired of hearing them too often.
Having the system flooded with requests? There is a handy way to limit the backlog. Also, you can just go clear it, your login gives you a page nobody else can get at... I might have taken a few requests out because I just got tired of hearing them too often.
Santa Shark! Do Do da Do!