Recent content by Adsy

  1. Adsy

    Considering a flat mega tree?

    Welcome to ACL! This should help you out
  2. Adsy

    Show documentation

    I find a printout of visualizer works best for me .I try to keep as much cabling together per box as possible ,but where I can't they are labelled
  3. Adsy

    The new pixel floats are done

    Now that's innovation ! Fantastic work 👍
  4. Adsy

    HELP! What do I need for a mega tree?

    For the height @Skymaster makes a good choice. Mine is 3m with a 800mm 6 ring star from ink creations
  5. Adsy

    HELP! What do I need for a mega tree?

    Thats about the best you could hope for honestly. Can barely buy 1k of pixels for that
  6. Adsy

    HELP! What do I need for a mega tree?

    Light it LEDs Hanson Electronics Extreme lighting displays These have most of the necessities and they are here in Australia
  7. Adsy

    How Bright is TOO Bright? And have we found the winner?

    Christmas lights is a bloody hard gig !! With that in mind our neighbours can make or break a display, so reasonable considerations need to realistic. I have great near by neighbours but am mindful of what could tip the balance. The more lights you have the more the brightness and this should...
  8. Make The Call by The Living End

    Make The Call by The Living End (2023)

  9. High Hopes by Panic At The Disco

    High Hopes by Panic At The Disco (2023)

  10. Christmas Eve Sarajevo by TSO

    Christmas Eve Sarajevo by TSO (2023)

  11. Adsy

    Mega tree options - kits, construction ideas

    Its barely not windy where I am so these are a good idea are as I have a had some strips let go this season
  12. Adsy

    Garage Matrix Builds

    Looks clean and well planned. I may still switch to a matrix mesh yet rather than pixel strip . Wasn't sure whether a garage matrix was going to work but seriously who was I kidding! THEY ROCK ! Good job 🤘
  13. Adsy

    What was your most popular sequence this year?

    No voting system here either, but based on noise Bluey or Dynamite for the kids/Christmas set and High Hopes or Living on a prayer for the regular stuff
  14. Adsy

    2 matrixes next to each other

    🤔 Sorry I said layout but I meant rendering style
  15. Adsy

    2 matrixes next to each other

    Yeah this is the approach I took. Layout mode will need to be considered for different purposes though