Recent content by battle79

  1. battle79

    Voltage MKII

    If you test between the pos wire at the start of the string and at the end you should get resistance. Also, the negative should also give you a really low resistance. Between the pos and negative should give a higher resistance that should be repeatable with all props that are the same pixel...
  2. battle79

    Voltage MKII

    Sounds to me like you may have a faulty PSU. The voltage dropping (sagging) that much, is a sign that either one of you props has a fault in a pixel with a low resistance between pos and neg, or the power supply is on the way out. You can test for the first one with a multimeter, especially if...
  3. battle79

    advatek guru wanted

    I may have had to use the advatek assistant to originally set the static IP address of my controller, but I've used xLights to configure my Pixlite 16 LR for the last few years. Start with plugging your controller into network that xLights PC is also on, then open xLights and click discover...
  4. battle79

    ECG-P12S/P12D combo with dead outputs

    But he site they were on was David_AVDs. So messaging him might still yield results if he has the files somewhere. Good luck mate,
  5. battle79

    This year is just HoHoHoting me off!

    Standard networking signals on ethernet cable should not get interference from power. They specifically don't use frequencies that are likely to be affected by AC power. The segregation is for safety to prevent AC power transferring to ethernet cables if something ever gets cut. The...
  6. battle79

    ECG-P12S/P12D combo with dead outputs

    Moondew, have another look in my folder, I found some more files that are likely what you need. Found this link and thought I could get them, but alas it only has the links. That said, maybe ask David if he...
  7. battle79

    ECG-P12S/P12D combo with dead outputs

    This could hopefully help. Can't remember what I did, but mine is running two universes no problem. This should be everything I used to update my J1Sys controllers.!AqYfT_c07CZ9g6YJ0PJV3RDvzBCkmA?e=WwTU70 Regards, Rowan
  8. battle79

    YPS Bullet Pixels in Australia **BULK BUY**

    Do you have an option to buy 50pc 5v with power injection cables or connectors at the start of the string? Looking for 3000 white with injection (60 sets of 50). Cheers, Rowan
  9. battle79

    240V power points - max safe wattage when running your light show

    Guideline that I would follow when planning power requirements:- 1) Plan for full white 100%. Expect that at some point you will stuff up and run lights at full 100% (usually due to test mode on a board), everyone says they never will and eventually they will, I would almost guarantee that. At...
  10. battle79

    Color problems with INK1003 strip and FalconF16V4 controller

    Hi Everyone, Hoping your all going well with your setups. I am wondering if anyone else has encountered problem when using a Falcon F16V4 to run INK1003 strip. Previous year I had 16 INK1003 strips in 4 groups of 4 controlled off 4 outputs from a Pixlite4. Worked as expected last year. Setup...
  11. battle79

    Fault finding, Looking for a set of Fresh eyes

    Hi Shane, that would be amazing. I'm helping a mate move house in the morning, so let's say 4pm if that's OK. Thanks, Rowan
  12. battle79

    Fault finding, Looking for a set of Fresh eyes

    Soooooooooooo, common story i'm sure, but my mega tree is thoroughly kicking my ass this year. Everything else is mostly working (or just needs a quick pixel replacement). Any chance anyone in the northeast suburbs of Melbourne has an hour or two tomorrow afternoon to help fault find with a...
  13. battle79

    I may actually start xmas lights again

  14. battle79

    I may actually start xmas lights again

    Good Riddance by any chance? Haha, glad to hear your going to make use of all the props you have built.
  15. battle79

    What element(s) are you building or installing this week? - 2022

    1. Dropped off the mega tree top frame to my fabricator (brother) to get it increased from 16 to 24 strands. 2. Added GPOs to all Controller locations removing need for extension leads. -Done 3. Ran data outlets to all controller locations again removing random data cables running everywhere. -...