Recent content by bigdave

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    Introducing Baldrick8

    Hi I am a newbie and purchased a couple of the Baldrick boards with a view of driving 1200 12v 5cm bud leds. Here is a couple of my experiences and any help would be appreciated. The board has a dedicated IP address. In test mode the lights look fine with stable output and clear colours (green...
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    To all newbies out there

    Hi all I see mention of the mini but my poor site navigation skills have failed to find any registration page for the up coming Sydney mini. CAn some one guide me to the right place. Thank you
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    Bluey Family

    Hi, this year I also built from scratch a Bluey, Bingo and a globe. The two dogs I have just painted with the idea of ground lighting them but the globe I populated with the 10mm lights. I had not thought about the photo side as last year in my driveway I had Mr & Mrs Claus (1.8M) standing under...
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    Hello from Castle Hill NSW

    Hi to all I have been tinkering with cut out characters and lights for over 25 years. Some of my current displays including rope light characters are that old but have lasted the distance over time and two locations in Sydney. I started with some elves cut from ply and lit with garden lighting...