Recent content by buts

  1. buts

    Christmas Kiosk (Touchscreen Remote Falcon)

    Thanks I think I’ll start building this this weekend. Hopefully my IT skills will be up to scratch to get it going.
  2. buts

    Who is using PulseMesh this year in Australia ?

    I to had a play with it during set it up and testing however I did not use it. I even had the QR code display on my P4 matrix however and found that it worked quite well but I decided not to use it as I I was a little bit concerned about how copyright would work with it.
  3. buts

    My push to play/listen

    This been my first year I’m only doing two songs and will not be having an FM broadcast as I live in a fairly congested road and there’s no we’re for anyone to really park and listen. My plan is to have a static presentation with a push to play/listen button. The way I have gone about this is to...
  4. buts

    Magnetic Mount for seed pixels

    I placed some see pixels on my colour bond roof on the weekend. I’m using these magnets. And just a plain black cable tie to hold the seed to the magnet it seems to be working okay and holding...
  5. buts

    P4 panel build

    form memory i have a similar problem when using my laptop but not my desktop; also if you are using FPP as a remote, i found i needed to turn off sending DPP packets (I think that is the correct name ). If you like, i may be able to chat tonight on you could also try adjusting the clock (DLCK...
  6. buts

    P4 panel build

    firmware attached as well as the configuration file ( online zip tool used )
  7. buts

    P4 panel build

    form took about 3 weeks
  8. buts

    P4 panel build

    That was me being lazy. I ended up just glueing the shipping holder to the plastic container and they just clip in nicely. Also makes it easy to change out if I have to.
  9. buts

    P4 panel build

    Here are the photos I promised earlier I still need to add a few cable ties to tidy up the cabling but as you can see the colorlight li cards are just in a plastic container with a 3-D printed cover on the side the cover has a two mm wide slot in it and I have just used some silicon grease...
  10. buts

    P4 panel build

    sorry i will not get to post photos tonight as i have a work dinner i forgot about but will do Wednesday night
  11. buts

    P4 panel build

    I chose the outdoor flexible panels because I wanted to go with a magnetic mounting due to the fact that if I used a metal galvanised frame which is an advantage for me as I have limited storage space and it means that after Christmas I can pack the panels up into a box and install the frame...
  12. buts

    P4 panel build

    I just thought that I would share that after a number of weeks of trying. I finally managed to get my P4 flexible panel matrix up and working. I am running 5 x 5 with five colour like cards. The panels are outdoor rated. And I have a rubber membrane over the back of them and they are magnetic...
  13. buts

    p4 pannels

    thankyou for you patience that worked , now to go spend time with the wife before i get in trouble
  14. buts

    p4 pannels

    sorry i missed the last part it shows 512