Recent content by ejwind

  1. ejwind

    Answered Xscheduler does not start on schedule

    I reverted it all the way back to 2023.22, now I do not have any issues anymore with Xscheduler, weird... When I have time I will update untill it becomes unstable again.
  2. ejwind

    Answered Xscheduler does not start on schedule

    This was the latest part: 2024-12-10 11:43:00,812 21328 log_base [DEBUG] Checking the schedule ... 2024-12-10 11:43:00,812 21328 log_base [DEBUG] Checking playlist Weekdagen 2024 schedule <unnamed>. 2024-12-10 11:43:00,812 21328 log_base [DEBUG] It should be active. 2024-12-10...
  3. ejwind

    Answered Xscheduler does not start on schedule

    Hi all, last year I had no issues with the Xscheduler, this year it will not start on schedule. I have a playlist that I want to have started at 1700, 1800 and 1900 (play duration 35min) (Start 17:00, Stop 19:40, play every hour) The scheduled time is displayed in blue underneath the playlist...
  4. ejwind

    Xlights will not start up anymore 2024_14 and 15

    I It seems I also have an account there, I linked the post above to this post, I hope in doing so, I do not violate any forum rules...
  5. ejwind

    Xlights will not start up anymore 2024_14 and 15

    I deleted the Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2022 versions, deleted (again) Xlights 2024.15. Reinstalled 2024.14. Now the comp asked for reboot and voila!!! It works again!! Thank you both for our expertise! Unfortunatly the user dictionary and phoneme mapping are gone but that's my fault for not...
  6. ejwind

    Xlights will not start up anymore 2024_14 and 15

    Thank you both, I will try to delete the Microsoft Visual C++ 20xx ( I have 10 in total for different years, I do not know if this is normal?) I also will download previeous version of Xlights and try and update the carddrivers. (I allready lost my dutch Library with phonemes that actually...
  7. ejwind

    Xlights will not start up anymore 2024_14 and 15

    Sorry, It's on Windows X64, and checked the log, I attached it
  8. ejwind

    Xlights will not start up anymore 2024_14 and 15

    2 weeks ago xlights was just working fine, with latest version. If I try to start it now, the startup screen appears for 5 seconds and disappears again.2024_14 and 15. Removed it and did install again, but still the same starting screen and than nothing. Please help!o_O I deleted some files, but...
  9. ejwind

    Xlights with other Papagayo language (Dutch)?

    Goodday, Thank you for your reply, I saw what I did wrong with the files. They are in the folder: C:\Program Files\xLights. If I open it with wordpad or another program, I cannot save it without the extension .txt. So I copied them on the desktop, changed in the files Phoneme_mapping and...
  10. ejwind

    Xlights with other Papagayo language (Dutch)?

    Goodday, Do you mean this: When the Lyrics are in Dutch, most of the words are not recognized. Thanks, Erik-Jan
  11. ejwind

    Xlights with other Papagayo language (Dutch)?

    Goodday, thanks for your reply, I was just checking it, but I do not fully understand it. At the moment I have a library in my user_dictionary that look that this: ONTFATSOENLIJK OO N T F AA T S U N L @ K ONTFATSOENLIJKS OO N T F AA T S U N L @ K S ONTFEMD OO N T F E M T (Dutch word...
  12. ejwind

    How to Hardware add moving heads to xlights shows?

    Great, thanks I will dive in and buy an usb-dmx converter/dongle and try...
  13. ejwind

    How to Hardware add moving heads to xlights shows?

    Hi all, I want to add moving heads to my shows from xlilghts. However I do not have a clue what hardware is needed to add them. I run xlights from my laptop via RJ45 cable to a switch. From there it goes to 4 Digquad controllers with 4 RJ45 cables. The digquads have ESP32 and run WLED...
  14. ejwind

    Xlights with other Papagayo language (Dutch)?

    Thanks I will try to do that!