Recent content by Ian Wright

  1. I

    Try me timer switch to activate Lemax items.

    Hi Mark - great stuff. Thank you.
  2. I

    Try me timer switch to activate Lemax items.

    Hi Mark, thanks so much. I will check out the PicoBoo and see how that can be integrated into scene. I have quite a few animated items, so wondering how many can be linked to one PicaBoo unit? Will look into it. The motion sensor is a great idea. I wonder if I could link all the animated items...
  3. I

    Try me timer switch to activate Lemax items.

    I don't have a try me button yet. I've seen some of the Halloween animated items on sale that have a try me button. No doubt is a similar thing but with a much shorter timer (few seconds at most).
  4. I

    Try me timer switch to activate Lemax items.

    Hi everyone. This year I am setting up a winter village outside my house in a covered area and will be using various Lemax houses , figurines and animated items. Rather then run the animated items none stop each night, I am hoping to install a "TRY ME" button that activates the animated items...