Recent content by Jarrad33

  1. Topgun by Topgun

    Topgun by Topgun (2023)

  2. Jarrad33

    Help required this weekend (Happy to pay) Brisbane

    You underestimate what you have done. Again thank you I can do another one Sunday for you no worries.
  3. Jarrad33

    Help required this weekend (Happy to pay) Brisbane

    Thank you for helping on Sunday @BAZMick . You have helped me massively to get the show completed in time
  4. Jarrad33

    Help required this weekend (Happy to pay) Brisbane

    Just tools I think.
  5. Jarrad33

    Help required this weekend (Happy to pay) Brisbane

    From the 50k I bought last year id say 35% failed. Im still replacing them now. I have tried another vendor and i got 12.5k replacements
  6. Jarrad33

    Help required this weekend (Happy to pay) Brisbane

    That would be awesome. Please let me know
  7. Jarrad33

    Help required this weekend (Happy to pay) Brisbane

    WA might be a bit far haha. its up to 150k now
  8. Jarrad33

    Help required this weekend (Happy to pay) Brisbane

    Hi All Sorry I have not been around much. Been busy building (Im in desperate need of help) I need one or 2 people I'm looking for some help this weekend. Fixing pixels and general problems to compete my show ready for the competition. Im happy to pay a bit of cash if this helps your decision...
  9. Jarrad33

    Fans and Vents

    ill be in today or tomorrow to pick up
  10. Jarrad33

    Fans and Vents

    Hey David do you have 4 x 80mm vents 6 x 8 way fuse boards
  11. Jarrad33

    Brisbane/Qld Brisbane Mini 2023 - 27-28 May

    ill take the lot please
  12. Jarrad33

    Brisbane/Qld Brisbane Mini 2023 - 27-28 May

    how many 12v do you have ??