Recent content by Jimadelaide

  1. J

    HinksPix Pro Controllers & Long Range Receivers

    Yes, at this stage I am going to connect them via E1.31 mode as they are having slight issues with the standalone part although in time I would prefer to have it running stand alone.
  2. J

    HinksPix Pro Controllers & Long Range Receivers

    Hi all, hope we are all well... Just wondering if there are others out there that have purchased HinksPix Pro Controllers/Transmitters and Long Range Receivers. I have purchased a bundle of these from Holidaycoro. Last year I used the one Alphapix controller and have opted (without doing...
  3. J

    Music Controller for E1.31 light controller

    Thanks Troy. Yes, I understand the sequence side of things but is there a module that will sequence the lights by sound? I see you can purchase items like Vivi that controls the lights with the music. Was just wondering if there was something similar that just gives a light show using music. Thanks.
  4. J

    Music Controller for E1.31 light controller

    Hi all, firstly my apologies but this is the first time my friend and I have looked into the Christmas lighting using controllers etc. I have done some homework and purchased a 16 Output AlphaPix Classic E1.31 Controller from Holidaycoro. We are looking at programming one or two songs using...