Recent content by JonB256

  1. JonB256

    Problems with Ray Wu p5 panels & colorlight card

    I am working with a similar concern. My P5 build (currently running from a BeagleBone/Octoscroller) is 6 panels wide (384 pixels) and 8 panels tall (256 pixels). If I bump the clock frequency up (to 25mhz) and refresh down to 960, I could theoretically drive the whole array from a single...
  2. JonB256

    Multiple Colorlight Cards with FPP for P5 Panels (Guide)

    The RasPi that I'll be using will be in Remote mode. It can receive its Multisync signals via CAT5/eth0 or wireless/wlan0, but I plan use CAT5. If I add a USB GigEthernet dongle, which RJ45 jack should I use to connect to the Colorlight?
  3. JonB256

    RGB Floods

    When you order the 10W RGB DMX floods from Ray, you can specify at the time what DMX start address you want for each flood. That's good if you don't change them in your programming. Also, they come with the 3-pin, round DMX plug. I ended up replacing them by soldering on some RJ45 jacks. The...
  4. JonB256

    Closed Falcon F16v2 E1.31 pixel controller Buy 2015 #2 - CLOSED

    First, the E6804 uses a different chip (Parallax, Propeller) than the Falcon products (Microchip). The Pickit3 is for Microchip. IF you needed to write a new bootloader to the F16v2, you would need to use a Pickit3 or send it to some who has one. Notice, I did say IF. Hasn't been needed yet...
  5. JonB256

    Closed Falcon F16v2 E1.31 pixel controller Buy 2015 #2 - CLOSED

    If Falcon releases a required update of the PIC bootloader, you will need a PICIT3 programmer. The bootloader is what currently allows you to update with just that micro-usb cable. When Ethernet update arrives, it will likely need that new bootloader update.
  6. JonB256

    Closed ACL MK2 Strobes-Fully built (shipping)

    This confuses me. Is it -5v or is common/ground? (Don't have mine yet)
  7. JonB256

    Closed ACL MK2 Strobes-Fully built (shipping)

    It is somewhere between 3 and 4 percent. For $21, I sent $0.75
  8. JonB256

    Closed ACL MK2 Strobes-Fully built (shipping)

    The Bird now has the Worm
  9. JonB256

    Lines in text on p10 panels.

    You have some kind of numbering error in your setup. Duplicated or overlapping channels.
  10. JonB256

    BBB and FPP

    All the P10 panel setups I've worked with (that's 2 :) ) have the universe size set at 512. If I get a chance, I may reconfigure my P10 with a value of 510 to see if it still works as well. Since I don't use any E1.31 items other than Falcon, all of my setups are full 512.
  11. JonB256

    80 x 80 Pixel "Thread Display"

    Re: 80 x 80 Pixel "Thread Display" Reminds me of the display board that used tilting wooden tiles. The angle and reflected light gave them about 8 monochrome levels per "pixel" It has been awhile since I've seen it, but there was a possibly similar design used in Airports and Train...
  12. JonB256

    Closed ACL 'MK2 fully-built' aka MK3 strobes (ends 3-Aug-2015) CLOSED

    My DC controller outputs a 400hz pulse width waveform. Even at 100%, there is a gap. I'll probably need a small capacitor to clean that up.
  13. JonB256

    My P10 panels

    Those connectors do not come apart easily. They are not really designed to. While I have done it, it always damaged some part of the latching mechanism. Be glad they're cheap.
  14. JonB256

    Closed ACL 'MK2 fully-built' aka MK3 strobes (ends 3-Aug-2015) CLOSED

    I would like 2 strings of the 50cm spacing. I can easily "shorten" 50cm by folding but can't "stretch" 20cm. (though I'll probably refer to it as 20 inch spacing) JonB