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    • Kmac
      Kmac replied to the thread Just getting started.
      Very helpful information! Thank you!
    • Kmac
      Kmac replied to the thread Just getting started.
      So I will purchase a new power supply today. Is it possible to use the computer 5 volt for injection? I can get as many of these as i...
    • Kmac
      Kmac replied to the thread Just getting started.
      Thank you!! Many of the videos just show connecting 12V and never talk about the Pixels. Can I use the 5v off of an old computer to...
    • Kmac
      Kmac replied to the thread Just getting started.
      Im a little confused on the laptop and control board connection-From what I understand, the control board will be at the tree-25feet...
    • Kmac
      Kmac replied to the thread Just getting started.
      I have the tree up. I am getting back to it Saturday. I have created a few sequences in x lights. A few concerns after watching too many...
    • Kmac
      Hello! I have just purchased a Falcon f16 v4 . I am starting with a mega tree this year 24 strings at 83 nodes on each string. Can...
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