Recent content by leepoffaith

  1. leepoffaith

    xLights sharing: sequences

    Does anyone have the "Do you Like My Decorations" sequence? I saw the video by Daryl Erwin on Vimeo but I can't seem to locate the actual sequence anywhere.
  2. leepoffaith

    Falcon F16V3 Won't Boot

    I know this was last years post, but what did the solution end up being? I have this EXACT same issue with my new F16V3 board. I've tried resetting and that didn't work. I've emailed David at PixelController to see if he can help but I was just curious if there was a fix you were able to figure...
  3. leepoffaith

    Answered F16V3 oled display not working?SOLVED

    I know this was last year's post, but it's marked as "SOLVED" but I don't see what the solution was. I'm having this exact issue with mine as well. All fuse lights are on, but the OLED screen isn't on and LED1 and LED2 isn't on either. Just curious if there was an easy solution. I've tried a...