Recent content by lgrant90

  1. lgrant90

    Bunnings lights with Controller System?

    So you can't do Music sequencing in Vixen3?
  2. lgrant90

    Bunnings lights with Controller System?

    I want to be able to use my knowledge of music (as a music teacher) to sequence Music to lights, without starting my light buying from scratch since I have already invested quite a bit of money on lights. I just want the lights to be able to flash at the very least to music or get different...
  3. lgrant90

    Bunnings lights with Controller System?

    Fantastic. Yes the end of these plugs on this controller do match the ends of the lights I have. Now my next question is if I buy the DMX2-24 controller and hook all of this up to this, what options do I have to program the lights?
  4. lgrant90

    Bunnings lights with Controller System?

    Thank you. Are there any products available that are more simple such as a plug and play controller from Light O Rama? Or will I need to invest time and energy into playing around with wires and voltage etc.?
  5. lgrant90

    Bunnings lights with Controller System?

    Is it possible to connect my already purchased Bunnings lights and Christmas Warehouse/Christmas World lights that have pre-programmed functions for flashing quickly and slowly, or do I have to start my purchasing again to only puchase LED lights that have no functions so I can start to create...