Recent content by Lindsayr

  1. L

    Introducing Baldrick8

    Could I power the Baldrick8 from 2 ports with 15amp fuses on a PSDIST2R ? I understand this would only give a max of 15A across each of the 4 outlets.
  2. L

    Raspberry Pi "In & Out" Hat: Inputs + Pixel Outputs

    I’ll be placing an order if anyone needs anything from experienced lights. Or happy to join your buy Richard. Thanks Lindsay
  3. L

    Raspberry Pi "In & Out" Hat: Inputs + Pixel Outputs

    Do you have any available still Philhutcho?
  4. L

    You're the Voice - 2024 AusChristmasLighting Around the World sequence (ACLATW) - Submit by 18 Dec 2024

    Thank you for the sequence Daniel and for putting it together Mark.
  5. L

    Falcon Smart receiver

    Have you tried swapping out the network cable? With the power led flashing that may not be it but have had a number of issues with network cables on these before
  6. L

    Push Button Speaker Box with Built in FM Receiver - As presented at the Perth 2023 Mini

    In the end I decided to go old fashion and just add a 2 way switch so I can leave music on or move to the press for music. I have used this roo so the nose is the button for music. All the best for everyone's shows this year! Lindsay
  7. L

    Push Button Speaker Box with Built in FM Receiver - As presented at the Perth 2023 Mini

    I thought about that but have both the fm transmitter and amp for speakers coming from same pi
  8. L

    Push Button Speaker Box with Built in FM Receiver - As presented at the Perth 2023 Mini

    How did you go with this? Did you get it setup? I’m keen for a way to wirelessly leave music on without needing the button for some nights. Would also like a way to wirelessly control volume if anyone has any ideas
  9. L

    Hey everyone!

    Welcome onboard! Definitely lots to learn. I am only in my second year and loving it (but pocket lighter). Where are you based?
  10. L

    How do you attach your Lights to a Colorbond Roof Line?

    If you have access to a 3d printer, there a number of places you can get conduit clips with magnet mounts that you can print. That is what I am trying this year.
  11. L

    3d printing

    Shout out if you get stuck, I am in Redcliffe and have one. Not the best one but does the job for me.
  12. L

    Power Injection

    For me it is more a matter that I can not power 600-700 pixels from one port on the controller. I would need to spread it across multiple ports which is what i do now. But wanting to get away from that for bigger props.
  13. L

    Power Injection

    Thanks Paul. I have definitely been going on the very safe side but i am sure it is increasing the cost for me dramatically so probably should get better at calculating consumption to load up power supplies and controllers more