Recent content by Lishfish

  1. Lishfish

    UV Protection

    Wondering if you could just use this? Seems to tick all the boxes
  2. Lishfish

    Uv treatment??

    Question, For those people who have white wires or clear lights (eg rope lights), how do you stop discolouration on these especially in the aussie sun? Clear coat spray?
  3. Lishfish

    Newbie- fpp programming for matrix display among other q’s

    Is that link correct? When I clicked it it said the domain is up for sale
  4. Lishfish

    Newbie- fpp programming for matrix display among other q’s

    Mind elaborating more on this? Like what was used etc and how it was done? I want to convert our dumb lights to do this. I have relay boards around and probably a bbb somewhere
  5. Lishfish

    Adelaide/SA 2019 Adelaide Mini Registration - June 15

    @Ralphyf1 what suburb are you located in?
  6. Lishfish

    Adelaide/SA Adelaide Mini 2019 - interest

    I do like the social/1-1/collaboration side of things. If the event happens on may 25-26th that counts us out all together though but I would really like to come this year!
  7. Lishfish

    Adelaide/SA Adelaide Mini Mini 2019 (meet & greet) Feb 10 (RSVP by Feb 8)

    We are also running late. Coming in from Morphett vale.
  8. Lishfish

    How's your internet security?

    yeah I had this email sent a couple times asking for bitcoin as payment. Blocked the email cos I dont even have a webcam
  9. Lishfish

    How's your internet security?

    According to this at CashCrate my compromised data is : Email addresses, Names, Passwords, Physical addresses. As long as its not my hotmail account password im good. Cheers for sharing though
  10. Lishfish

    5v WS2811 deals

    This way works out cheaper through the same seller (GST charges)
  11. Lishfish

    Adelaide/SA Adelaide Mini Mini 2019 (meet & greet) Feb 10 (RSVP by Feb 8)

    Yeah sounds great! We should be there!
  12. Lishfish

    DIY Battery Pack/Wall

    this would be great if we owned the house/s. However I dont think theyd just leave it somewhere unmounted
  13. Lishfish

    DIY Battery Pack/Wall

    Yeah have been on jehugarcia and HBpowerwall's Youtube channels. Learnt quite a lot. Thinking of fusing every cell + a bms for each cell as well