Does anyone have feedback/experience to share on how they find their crowds develop thru December?
Is the attendance from early Dec to near Christmas an exponential climb? ie: handfuls now and chaos near Christmas? Or do you have steady crowds etc. etc?
I know for my own family we aren't...
While my display is big in scale, this year being our first it's all architectural straight lines.
I've got things grouped into areas across the building, have grouped verticals and horizontals... but I'm struggling to find good effects that translate across a wide spread of only straight lines...
Our plan is to cycle a show every night starting DEC 1 8:30-10PM (got a fun church Christmas carols show 9&11AM & 7PM that day and people hanging around to see the lights begin after the 7pm show).
Will add it to that location for sure.
I haven't wanted to do any promotion until I had the...
Haha - I literally updated everything last night. Took me a while but I salvaged the file from my initial exploring to now a refined model layout with correct names etc. Definitely not weird!
A few diff things tweaked to success. Definitely Upload Output + rendering + FPP connect, plus a few other settings in the browser, and then 1by1 going thru each line and confirming the led counts etc. so everything was in the correct order.
I will do this when next onsite to confirm xlights is pointing to the right things.
However I found a good vid online and I am now not confident I have done the required work to align Universe & Channel count settings across XLights > FPP > Baldrick Board settings. So it wouldn't surprise me if...
Our layout is all rooflines and straight line strings, no props of trees etc. I have gone thru the layout line-by-line to confirm all lines are sequential, going the right direction, correct port and correct number of LEDs per line.
I was sat out in our building carpark with my laptop over...
So last night we had our first test along with music.
Our main issue is the LEDs are lighting up in the wrong spots. It’s the right number of LEDs, the right colours, they respond to the right sequence, effects and timing, but they’re appearing in the wrong spots on the building, and not enough...