Recent content by Snitz87

  1. Snitz87

    You're the Voice - 2024 AusChristmasLighting Around the World sequence (ACLATW) - Submit by 18 Dec 2024

    Thank you to everyone who put this together, another wonderful job. Everyone’s displays look fantastic. Hope everyone has a great Christmas.
  2. Snitz87

    You're the Voice - 2024 AusChristmasLighting Around the World sequence (ACLATW) - Submit by 18 Dec 2024

    Thanks guys for doing it again this year, the sequence it looks fantastic. View: I will be submitting another video hopefully tomorrow night for my main display.
  3. Hark! The Herald Angels Sing by Pentatonix

    Hark! The Herald Angels Sing by Pentatonix (2024)

  4. Snitz87

    Show us you controller enclosures

    More testing with all the cables, I used cable glands on each cable instead of having multiple cables in 1 larger gland. I colour coded my boxes, it was a lot of work to do but I was really happy with how the all looked in the end, its easy when installing where we can just work on the White...
  5. Snitz87

    Show us you controller enclosures

    If you are looking for ideas these are the control boxes which I made, these are very much inspired by the boxes which @LawrenceDriveLights made a video about a few years ago. These are made using the MTR ammo boxes, I can not recommend these enough, yes they cost a bit of money and they have...
  6. Snitz87

    2023 is done, starting to plan for 2024: what will you keep, what will you change?

    I have ordered myself a laser cutter and this year I want to make some control boxes that are just a bit for refined then the hand cutting of acrylic that my old boxes are, I don’t plan on replacing all my boxes but adding some small improvements to them such as some led lighting in the lids so...
  7. Snitz87

    Sounds of Then (This is Australia) - 2023 AusChristmasLighting Around the World sequence (ACLATW) - Submit by 18 Dec 2023

    Big thank you to everyone who help make this a reality, this was the 1st time I’ve submitted a video for the ACLATW and I was looking forward to this more then the XLATW. Everyone on this site makes it’s such an amazing experience. Thanks again. Look forward to 2024
  8. Lights on Temira Behind the Scenes 2023

    Lights on Temira Behind the Scenes 2023

    Lights on Temira Behind the Scenes tour 2023. Lights on Temira is a Christmas light show which runs approx 12,000 pixel lights using Falcon Pixel controllers...
  9. Snitz87

    Famous people with CLAP (your lights on TV or popular websites, etc)

    ABC did a piece on my display View:
  10. Ode to Joy

    Ode to Joy (2023)

  11. Snitz87

    Free new sequence - Ode To Joy - Epic Remix

    Just mapped this one to my display, I’ll try and get a video of it and post it up. Thanks again @Danielr
  12. Snitz87

    Famous people with CLAP (your lights on TV or popular websites, etc)

    It wasn’t me but my old man, but yes it was about my display. I haven’t heard the piece yet.
  13. Snitz87

    Gremlins after a storm

    I wouldn’t know where to start to repair them, the smart receivers aren’t the most expensive thing but I’m lucky I have a few spare. I’m not sure about @Iain .
  14. Snitz87

    Gremlins after a storm

    After playing around with my smart receivers, I’ve found some are no longer passing data through them and some have also lost ports so now I’m just replacing what I can and seeing if I can move props to other controllers to get the show to keep running for the rest of the season.
  15. Snitz87

    Sounds of Then (This is Australia) - 2023 AusChristmasLighting Around the World sequence (ACLATW) - Submit by 18 Dec 2023

    Just finished recording this for my smaller show, all uploaded on the form. Hope its ok to submit 2 different displays. View: