Recent content by Tasmoken

  1. Tasmoken

    New f-prop

    What softwear is required to program the new F prop?
  2. Tasmoken

    Hobart/Tas TAS Mini 2022 interest?

    Rick,count me in.
  3. Tasmoken

    VERY beginner, information for PSU for electrician

    My son set up his ….. (our) three d printer and have a look at what the psu is but it is 24 volt unit😵‍💫
  4. Tasmoken

    Falcons are now for sell at

    Can you tell us the landed cost at the time of order,I understand that there will be slightly different cost subject to timing with the exchange rate ect
  5. Tasmoken

    Falcons are now for sell at

    I am also keen to know arrival date so I can start getting my build under way
  6. Tasmoken

    Falcons are now for sell at

    I am looking at ordering a F 16v3, may be two please post as soon as you have stocks in Aus and it would be useful to know what else will be available.
  7. Tasmoken

    Hobart/Tas Tas Mini 2021 - 18th April

    A huge thank you to every one involved for organizing the 2021 ACL Tas Mini. Too all the donors of the raffle prizes a big thank you. I was lucky enough to walk away with 400 pixels donated by Etop LED AND Troy from Extreme Lighting Displays for topping me up with another wad of lights, and...
  8. Tasmoken

    Hobart/Tas Tas Mini 2021 - 18th April

    Is xlights available on Ios if not what system requirements need to be to run on windows
  9. Tasmoken

    Hobart/Tas Tas Mini 2021 - 18th April

    Thank you as I said I am new and just up a few blocks away from the I think his name is Max, Alanvale lights near Archers manor .
  10. Tasmoken

    Hobart/Tas Tas Mini 2021 - 18th April

    interesed no lights yet but very keen
  11. Tasmoken


    After watching various displays here in Tas, I am pretty keen to get on board. I stumbled across this forum and just had to join so I can gather info before I purchase any controllers and lights . I will be starting of on a basic set up so any info recommendations welcomed, as I know once I...