Recent content by Teej710

  1. Teej710

    Is there a "Begginers Basic Light Kit"?

    Hi, I'm very new to this too and I was looking for a similar basic setup, so I could try using addressable pixel light strings, controller software etc. etc. I put the following basic kit together very cheaply, using Amazon & Ebay. wemos D1 R1 ESP8266 board 5 GBP 12v 2 amp CCTV power supply...
  2. Teej710

    Syncing faces to vocals in sequence

    Thanks both, for the advice. I thought this would be the case, but didn't want to put too many hours of effort in, only to find I was making work for myself unnecessarily.
  3. Teej710

    Syncing faces to vocals in sequence

    Hi All, Happy 2021. Lets hope it's better than 2020 ! I'm very new to the world of Xmas lights and xLights, but I think I've made a good start so far. I'm in the process of creating my first singing face in xLights. I've defined all the appropriate mouth movements, made a prototype board with...
  4. Teej710

    Happy Christmas from the UK

    Hi everyone, Seasons greeting to one and all :) I'm based in the UK, just outside the city of Birmingham. After seeing several light displays on Youtube, I thought I would have a go at my own display for the backend of 2021. I was a programmer for 30 years and have been messing about with...