Recent content by vk3heg

  1. vk3heg

    Diode in the DC Positive to prevent Power Injection Feedback

    As others have said bad idea.... Here's how I have my display setup for PI. (There are five psu's in use) Think of each area as a zone, and that zone is running of one PSU. When you are about to move from one zone to the next with your data line, run all the lines for the Data, +v, -v into...
  2. vk3heg

    Getting off script screen….

    Plus the last line in red says how to access FPP. There is no need to login, as everything is done via the web interface.
  3. vk3heg

    asking for thumbs up or down if this fm transmitter set-up will work

    Go for the CZE, they are worth the money. I used a cheap Cigarette liter type for in car audio (Think before we had usb/and phones linking to car radios). Even though it worked, the quality of the audio was crap on the edge of the property. The CZE gets a hundred meters past the same distance...
  4. vk3heg

    Show documentation

    You guys have spreadsheets! o_O I just go by the xlights layout/visualizer, printing out a sheet of paper for when hookup times comes. I put all the props up first (except for the megatree) and then do the cabling back to the control center. Each lead is then labeled to what port they should go...
  5. vk3heg

    What to do?

    Yeah, way to expensive! o_O
  6. vk3heg

    What to do?

    Yeah, mine a not continuous!. I was hoping there was something like a netlight... Was out the front with mum last night and we might mull over a few ideas over the next month or so... I already have ten mini tree's so having four big mini trees might spoil things. One thing to note is these...
  7. vk3heg

    What to do?

    So I've got a garden to contend with for my display. It's at my parents place, so there is only so much I can "Trim/Cut down". (I was very surprised when some branches in front of my mega tree got removed) There are these four trees on the nature strip out front. Circled in first pic, close up...
  8. Bluey intro

    Bluey intro (2023)

    Part of the Blue intro sequence.
  9. 2023 - Christmas Light Display

    2023 - Christmas Light Display

    This short video is showing part of a sequence that is a "Wiggles" mashup.
  10. vk3heg

    A Blank Slate for 2024

    LOR is aimed at the USA market and costs lots of $$$$. Building most of the things in your display (No matter the size) takes time and a lot of us started small and have grown the display over the years. I started with one of Allen's rPI-28D units here, for my first year. controlling a tree and...
  11. roos.jpg


    Roos. Mini Tree's and Mega Tree (In Background)
  12. Cains.jpg


    Singing Faces and Candy Cains.
  13. PXL_20231130_101730872.jpg


    Reindeer and Santa!
  14. vk3heg

    How would I fix this error/warning (dimensions are really large)?

    Have you done a "upload config to controller" and also "full xlights control"? My f16v3 would do that, until it got a fresh copy of the config.
  15. vk3heg

    Play Music on FM

    That was the first thing I noticed.. But yeah, not having the media files there will do that.... o_O