Recent content by XiaoRZ

  1. X

    xLights Shimmer Issue

    I am using only one controller so far - DMX2-24 made by Alan, which I want daisychain with another this year. Since I live in Europe, there are no pixels available. I am using two wire led strings. About turtle icon, i think its there only a sec in a beginning.
  2. X

    xLights Shimmer Issue

    Hi, after I tried to export the preview video, it seemed ok, no lags. But whenever i tried to play sequences via XSchedule or Xlights, there are always a few lags in shimmer effect. Any ideas to fix it? Thanks
  3. X

    xLights Shimmer Issue

    Thanks for help, after I exported the preview video and watched it in mp4 video, shimmer looked smoothly and the timing was perfect. Tomorrow I try it on the lights.
  4. X

    xLights Shimmer Issue

    Hello, I would like to ask, in XLights, when I try to use shimmer effect, sometimes its ok, sometimes there are delays or lags between flickering. Are you experiencing similar problem, if so, is there a solution? Adding video: XLights shimmer issue Thanks.
  5. X

    LOR technology in Europe

    Hello everyone, I am new here. I live in Europe (Czech Republic) and I would like to start with computer animated xmas show. I haven't found any european forum about lighting show, so I am asking here. I already checked AusChristmasLighting 101 Manual101 light manual, but I am a bit confused. I...