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      zerhoe replied to the thread Megatree BoM feedback.
      Thanks AAH. Will look at the Baldrick in more detail, part of me wants to do it for the DIY experience. With the external power...
    • Z
      zerhoe replied to the thread Megatree BoM feedback.
      Thanks Merryoncherry! That makes sense with the connectors for joining. I will pickup some plugs for the loose ends, and pickup som...
    • Z
      zerhoe replied to the thread Megatree BoM feedback.
      Thanks Skymaster for the detailed feedback. That looks a very neat setup. Noted on the pigtails xconnect. Will add SD card too. I'll...
    • Z
      zerhoe replied to the thread Megatree BoM feedback.
      That's a great idea on the extra strings. I'll add x2 in. I was thinking 4 strings, 200 per port based on the voltage drop from the...
    • Z
      Hi All I've been into the Christmas light hobby the past few years as have 3 little ones (plus myself) that get a kick out of it. The...
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