xLights Visualiser not always displaying or working for me?


Apprentice elf
Dec 27, 2016
Melbourne, East Suburbs
Hi All,

I just installed the latest xLights (2024.17 October 14, 2024) a week ago and have been having fun (& headaches) learning about it all.

I have just discovered the Visualiser option to help me place my port access etc.
In recent days, i noticed that the Visualiser is sometimes greyed out, or, i can click it (when it's highlighted) but the Visualiser panel doesn't appear lilke it used to.

I'm currently just using 4 models assigned to ports 1,2,3,&4 and they're only (4x) 50 pixel stings that i'm testing things with.
I've checked my models configs and CHANNELS are assigned as:
1-150 (port 1 model)
151-300, (port 2 model)
301-450 (port 3 model)
451-600 (port 4 model)
So, there's no overlaps is collision issues as far as i know.

I always STOP my test sequence before going back to the config/layout panels, but am i missing something else that i should stop/disable before running the Visualiser panel option?

with thanks in advance.
Ensure the "Allow Full xLights Control" and "Auto Size" and "Auto Layout Models" are ticked on the controller as well.
Any chance you have "output to lights" on when you try to go into the visualizer? Turn the light bulb off and you should be able to use it.
Thanks Al, Yes, that has fixed my problem, i didn't realise that turning the bulb on/off was affecting the Visualiser mode.
Yet another small learning curve to master lol.

Thanks again.
Is the pop up window itself what you are having issues with or that fact you cannot always make it show up? In order to use visualizer you MUST have a controller selected, which is not always the default action. Without a controller selected the visualizer will not work.

If the panel itself is not showing up, if you have multiple monitors it might be showing up somewhere you cannot see it or behind another application. I would do some testing and only have xLights open and nothing else and would do some testing. There are some other possible things to try to test with but the most basic is to only use one monitor to force all windows to show up on it and work from there.
Is the pop up window itself what you are having issues with or that fact you cannot always make it show up? In order to use visualizer you MUST have a controller selected, which is not always the default action. Without a controller selected the visualizer will not work.

If the panel itself is not showing up, if you have multiple monitors it might be showing up somewhere you cannot see it or behind another application. I would do some testing and only have xLights open and nothing else and would do some testing. There are some other possible things to try to test with but the most basic is to only use one monitor to force all windows to show up on it and work from there.
Hi, the problem was solved above, i didn't have the "output to lights" bulb turned off, and yes, i did have the controller selected each time ;-)

Thanks for your help though.
Hi, the problem was solved above, i didn't have the "output to lights" bulb turned off, and yes, i did have the controller selected each time ;-)

Thanks for your help though.
For some reason when I opened the thread it took me to a new posting with no responses, then I responded and saw the better responses and left it alone. glad you are working.