I think I have some bugs in my layout


Full time elf
Nov 7, 2019
S.E Melbourne
I have my show running but I feel like there’s some bugs in it, a lot of colours and effects don’t seem to reflect what the sequence looks like in xlights,
My sequences are all imported from reputable vendors and look pefect in xlights,

Is check sequence the only tool we have to work out issues we may have,

Sometimes it even looks like an over lapping problem but I can’t spot anything to do with that.
when you do FPP connect to upload your sequences, there is a box called UDP, if you enable that it will update FPP with the right channels for your controllers
Selecting "All" in this drop down for your show player

Causes xLights to push the configuration from this configuration tab in xLights:


Into this tab on FPP

Which in turn tells FPP where to send the data for your controllers to.
Selecting "All" in this drop down for your show player
View attachment 27985

Causes xLights to push the configuration from this configuration tab in xLights:

View attachment 27984

Into this tab on FPP
View attachment 27983

Which in turn tells FPP where to send the data for your controllers to.

tried that, i use advatek mk2 controllers, will it push the controller outputs to these old controllers?

also im still using last years fpp should i look to update this?
You need to use upload outputs on the controller tab to push the configuration to the advateks.
Your computer will need to be on the same network as the Advatek for it to work though

By last year's FPP, what version is it?





so i just tried what you said above and it changed my fpp controller outputs..

but im not sure if im understanding correctly i previously had the pix16 start channel 1 universe 1 but the up load changed it to 2552

in visualizer when i put my mouse over the first prop is says Start channel: !pixlite16:1 (2552) [#1:1]

which part is the start channel? as i had output 1 in advatek assistant universe 1 channel 1
ahh i see its flipped the controllers the first 2551 channels are the pixlite 4..

but still remains the question whats start channel number i punch into assistant
ahh i see its flipped the controllers the first 2551 channels are the pixlite 4..

but still remains the question whats start channel number i punch into assistant
none, xlights does it for you