baldrick Signals


Full time elf
Generous elf
Oct 15, 2023
Has anyone used one yet ? i really want to see how they work, because if it does work, it would be intersting to see the data from our show, and others if they had them
could this just be conencted to power at a property and setup for other peoples displays to calculate visitors for them ? like as a analysis for the shows to show how many people visit per day but logs to its own storage for access later ? or does it always need internet access ?
Yes, it works.
You treat it like any of the other Baldrick boards. Power it up with internet available, then go to 'baldricksignals.local'. It'll download new firmware, then you can change the IP for the show network and move it over.
As others have said, the only tricky thing is whether you have a barrel plug to power it. I found one to scavenge, as a lot of us would, but maybe not everyone. A coin battery is needed if you want it to keep time across shutdowns, so I installed that because I do shut it down and there are no time sources on the show network either.