ACL Megatree database


My name is Graham & I love flashing lights!
Global moderator
Dec 27, 2011
Cranbourne West
It occurred to me that many people often ask in chat, forum or Facebook pages about other's megatree designs. How they were built, materials used, pixels spacing and all the rest of the details.
So I had the (hopefully not too crazy) idea that a central location to document everyone's megatrees might be helpful to newbies and upgraders alike to see what and how others have built their creations.

So, please find below a Google Form with as many different aspects of the megatree as I could think off that could be used as a comparison & guide.
* A small disclaimer that the data will be in a public read only file able to be viewed by anyone, so please refrain from adding any personal information. If you are not comfortable with this, please feel free to not contribute to the data.

The results can be found collated on the below spreadsheet:


Maybe the more popular results could help sway you to choose which voltage to use, or what height to make it. Hopefully this serves as a useful resource for our community.

Any issues with access please let me know.
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I've also added a 2nd tab for Matrix builds if you wish to share this info too.
I've updated the initial post, now data can be entered vis the below form:

The results can then be viewed on the collated spreadsheet linked in first post.
We discussed a little in chat, I'd argue that there are less properties of arches etc that are common for everyone. Once you start talking about outline lengths for example, this is hard to compare across displays, and as such will impact things like controller(s) and outputs used, as well as PSUs and power injection for example.
Megatrees whilst varied in their size/shape and builds, I think have a bit more consistency to be able to compare across multiple displays, hence the database.
But I am not discouraging anyone else who would like to setup a similar system for other items if the community feels its relevant.
So, how do we handle the updates to the existing MegaTrees? Mine has been updated since we initially put the database together.
I'd just add a new entry for your new/updated tree. There is a notes/comments field where you can mention this is a new/upgrade from your previous entry. I think preserving previous stats will help members see what has been used in the past