Hello from Success, WA


New elf
Dec 16, 2024
Hi All,

Joined recently as I recently setup a basic set of arches over a path with an old Twinkly 600 LED string I wasn't using, turned out OK but not quite as bright as I wanted and the mapping is a bit off. Photo below of current setup.

Anyhow, it gave me a taste for doing more than the standard icicle and fairy light setups, so have starting peering into this rabbit hole!

I prefer to learn 'on the job' rather than research everything and know what I'm doing upfront (however I am reading the 101 and it's very informative), so wondering a couple of things:

  1. Does anyone have a basic setup they'd be willing to part with? (preferably in WA so I can pick up) Doesn't need to be particularly big or full-on, just something to experiment with, learn the software, cabling etc.
  2. Would anyone be happy to walk me through their setup (ie. I come and visit), somewhere in WA - I figure Christmas time is the best as it'll be 'in full swing', just when it cools down a bit, hopefully after Christmas.
  3. Bonus if 1 and 2 happen to be the same person/people 😀
  4. Can anyone recommend a cheap basic setup to play with - maybe something that I can setup on an obelisk from Hammerbarn, ideally something that I don't need to throw away everything when I (likely) decide to keep on going and scale it up.

Some considerations (maybe too early to be of importance):
  • Our house frontage is facing North ... so it gets the full brunt of the sun all day, not sure if this needs to be a consideration the actual lights and anything else that needs to be exposed to the elements (there's areas inside the house/undercover near the front that element sensitive things can be placed (controllers, transformers etc).
  • We have a decent width front fence/gate that sits inside our frontyard that would be nice to hang some curtain lights down, other than that I'm hoping to do some arches over the path to our verandah (better than the current ones), probably some trees or other ornaments on the lawn and the usual lights around gutters, windows etc.


Thanks heaps, looking forward to another project to get my teeth stuck into, and bringing a bit of extra brightness to the street :cool:


Awesome to see another WA house starting down the rabbit hole. I'm happy to chat about lights and give people a run down of my show. but there are certainly more knowledgeable people that are further along the journey than myself.