400,000+ twinkly lights
To put it into perspective, we have hundreds, often a thousand or more people come through in one night, more towards Christmas eve.
These are stats of just cars driving past, unique license plates, this is for the entire day, though not just the light show, but it really shows how busy and how fast it gets busy. Duplicate plates have been removed to give a more realistic count, i.e to void neighbours coming/going multiple times a day etc.
It shows weekends very well.
This next chart shows the volume of people by how many people activated the intrusion zone on one of my cameras (the one watching the main entrance to the show in this case) Don't take the numbers as actual visitors, as people would wander in and out of the zones multiple times.
These are stats of just cars driving past, unique license plates, this is for the entire day, though not just the light show, but it really shows how busy and how fast it gets busy. Duplicate plates have been removed to give a more realistic count, i.e to void neighbours coming/going multiple times a day etc.
It shows weekends very well.
This next chart shows the volume of people by how many people activated the intrusion zone on one of my cameras (the one watching the main entrance to the show in this case) Don't take the numbers as actual visitors, as people would wander in and out of the zones multiple times.