led panels

  1. Mischka

    P5 LED Board Setup Problem

    Hi Everyone, I've just got my P5 and HC-1W all connected up and running but I can't get the text message to appear correctly its just showing half the text. I'm thinking it has something to do with the size setting, but I've loaded the parm's from the HC-1W controller, so the sizing should be...
  2. MD389

    Answered P10 Confusion

    Hey all, This year we will be having a few P10 matrix's but in the testing phase i've run into a confusing issue which I can't seem to resolve. The panel(s) seem to receive the data but output a 3 on, 3 off, 3 on, 3 off pattern. To help troubleshoot the issue and make sure im not going crazy...
  3. LED Panel suppliers

    Examples of suppliers for LED panels (P10, P5, etc).
  4. Adelaide Mini 2017 - Battery-powered 'tune to' matrix

    Adelaide Mini 2017 - Battery-powered 'tune to' matrix

    Presented by ryanschristmaslights. A portable matrix that runs from a 5VDC battery and programmed using software ahead of time. Thanks to Wendys for holding the matrix
  5. Sydney Mini 2017 - P10 LED Panel Matrix

    Sydney Mini 2017 - P10 LED Panel Matrix

    Presented by lithgowlights. Considerations when ordering from AliExpress suppliers, other types panel types, etc
  6. Adelaide Mini 2016 - P10 panel alternatives & limitations

    Adelaide Mini 2016 - P10 panel alternatives & limitations

    Presented by darylc for the Adelaide Mini 2016 - Day 1. LED panels such as the P10s have become a popular choice for a matrix. But they do have some limitati...
  7. Adelaide Mini 2015 - BeagleBone Black as a controller

    Adelaide Mini 2015 - BeagleBone Black as a controller

    Presented by darylc for the Adelaide Mini 2015 - Day 1. Uses for the BeagleBone Black as a controller, particularly to drive a P10 panel matrix with the Octoscroller cape
  8. darylc

    A better way to drive LED panels in Christmas displays

    This is a multi part post to demonstrate a new (currently experimental) way of running 'Panels' Background: In late 2014/2015 the Christmas community worked towards getting P10 panels running from BeagleBone Blacks via Octoscroller capes and driven by Falcon Player. The types of P10 panels...