10 minute abridged version of our 20 minute Christmas display

Charles Belcher

New elf
Mar 14, 2012
Dallas, Texas
Here is the link to a 10 minute abridged "Sampler" video taken from our 20 minute multimedia Christmas display entitled "Radio Holiday" which made use of both LED lighting and video projection mapping of our house.

I would like to give a sincere thank you to all of you who answered my questions earlier in the year.

I had to increase the camera light levels several stops in order to properly capture the video portion of the display and in doing so the LED's are more saturated than I wanted, but it is hard to capture both in one shoot.


Charles Belcher

I'm particularly impressed by the tree overhanging the yard. What type of lights are those and how did you go about getting them up there?

Well done with the megatree construction too. What software generated the megatree effects? Nice that the setup supports video too.
i13 said:

I'm particularly impressed by the tree overhanging the yard. What type of lights are those and how did you go about getting them up there?

Well done with the megatree construction too. What software generated the megatree effects? Nice that the setup supports video too.

Software=xlights 4.(x) and Falcon player
Big trees are just led strands on the branches and led net lights on the trunks. My son brought over a 60' lift from work and spent 4 days putting them up.