100 members milestone reached

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I have C.L.A.P
Global moderator
Apr 26, 2010
Albion Park NSW
The Auschristmaslighting forums have reached 100 members today. This is way beyond the initial expectations of these forums and we are very happy with the response and growth that this forum has undergone. I would like to thank all the members for helping make these forums a success and I would also like to thank Phil for his hard work and dedication in creating such a great site that has obviously become a hit with the DIY crowd.

So a toast to reaching 100 members for the Auschrismaslighting forums and I also wish these forums all the best into the future.
What more can I say, Eddy's elegance has said it all.

I wish to thank all the members who have already made this site a great place, as without you it wouldn't matter. We seem to have a cross section from all areas coming together and to me this is making things very special.

Many of the members I have known for many years on other forums and others are new friends being found for the first time and I thank you ALL, with a special mention to Eddy for taking on a Global Moderator role.

A second toast to you ALL.

Cheers and best wishes
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