16th birthday


New elf
Sep 29, 2020
Might be a bit of a long shot but I wondering if anyone has ever done a 16th birthday sequence before?
My daughter turns 16 in august so I was thinking about trying to create a sequence (I'm still green when it comes to sequencing and would prefer something better than I can master) so I am throwing it out there to see if anyone has a sequence they may like to share or sell to me.
When it's family birthdays I go and find a birthday song with their name in it (YouTube has plenty) and then have fun just playing with effects and sequencing. I've found that no matter what I do they love it, even though I think they've been pretty bad! haha plus it gives a chance to have some fun and learn what some of the effects accomplish and play with layers.

Here are some (free) options for you if you really don't want to try the sequencing:
* https://auschristmaslighting.com/threads/happy-birthday-song-and-lyric-timings.9827/
* https://visionarylightshows.com/products/happy-birthday-song
* https://sites.google.com/site/listentoourlights/sequencing#h.sz3ubckw1r4r

I think there might also be one or two in the share drive http://share.xlights.org/

Hope this helps and have fun!