2 or 3 wire rope light connectors


Apprentice elf
Dec 21, 2010
G'day all, I have some old solid pvc rope light (non-led), that I wanted to make the most of where I have 1 or 2 sections (metres) out due to blown lights. I just have a static display, and looking to cut out the dead sections so there's no gaps of obviously failure with the rope light.

Can someone point me to where I can find some 2 and/or 3 wire connectors/joiners from local places in Australia? I've had a search around, found a few ebay sellers in the US, but so far not found anything in Australia. Would appreciate it if anyone can point me in the right direction.

Back when I had ropelights I just used a cable tie to make a loop out of the dud section so that the working part of the ropelight no longer had gaps.

Would you be able to post a link to one of those Ebay listings that you found? It would help show exactly what type of connector you are trying to find.
your loop idea is a good one, and I might just do that and save stuffing around with cutting up the right light. Some of this rope light is solid plastic core rope, and it's lasted a good number of years, I think mainly as there's no movement, so no broken wires. It's just blown lights where I end up with a few metres out.